Grandmaster: t'Ithaune di'Shúwal

The Grandmaster of t'Ithaune di'Shúwal, the highest ranked element-wielder and perhaps one of the most powerful ones as well (it depends on who is the Grandmaster).   They are the head of the force of benevolent elemental-wielders, an individual they all look up to and trust utterly. The Grandmaster is the one they look to in order to settle differences between members of the organization and to lead them in the right direction if the orgnization arrives at a crossroads.   The Grandmaster is also a teacher, teaching a class in the element he wields for those who are quite advanced in their element. These classes are only available for a short time as the Grandmaster is often busy keeping a lookout for trouble that can be solved with their help.   The leader of t'Ithaune di'Shúwal is one of the few humans in Eldûra who has regular contact with the mentari nowadays.


For one to become the Grandmaster they first must serve in the ranks of t'Ithaune di'Shúwal for years in order gain experience and gain the trust of their fellow element wielders. The prospective Grandmaster needs to show a great deal of skill and be trusted fully by the existing Grandmaster before they will even be considered for the position. And one only becomes the next Grandmaster when the current one steps down or they die.  


To become the next Grandmaster you have to be chosen by the current Grandmaster. After you are chosen, you are not immediately made the new Grandmaster as when someone has been nominated, it is at first to be a backup plan—and then, when the Grandmaster steps down, the nominated one steps up.   When this happens, there is a mild ceremony that doesn't have much pomp or circumstance, where every member of t'Ithaune di'Shúwal come to witness the ascention of the new Grandmaster.  

Accoutrements & Equipment

The Grandmaster often wears, when in the base, durable clothes of fine quality in colours that reflect their element (shades of purple and white for lightning; orange, white, and yellow for fire; shades of green for nature; shades of blue, turquoise, teal, and white for water; shades of brown and grey for stone/rock; shade of white and blue for ice; and seafoam green, white, mint green, and grey for wind.   The Grandmaster always hs a weapon on them. The most popuar weapon that the Grandmasters have carried over the years has been a sword—just a sword, leaving their non-dominant hand free to wield their element. One Grandmaster was perported to wield a glaive, and another wielded a bow.  
Form of Address
Gëmaçid; Grandmaster
Source of Authority
The other members of t'Ithaune di'Shúwal
Related Organizations


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Aug 18, 2024 09:48 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing, detailed article and neat layout.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3

Aug 19, 2024 19:05

Thanks! <3