t'Ithaune di'Shúwal

The Guardians of Hope

A secret guild of adventurers blessed with the The Elemental Right whose members share the desire to assist the world where they can and help those in need.   Each and every member of t'Ithaune di'Shúwal can wield an element that has been assigned to them by the Creator. They are trained by their peers to intimately know how to wield the gift that they had been given. This guild is a strong brotherhood and sisterhood that has utter trust in one another and in the leadership comprised of the Grandmaster (the most skilled in his element and wisest member by vote and experience) and the Council of Seven, which is comprised of a representative of each element.   Over time, members of the guild have comprised of kings and paupers, adventurers and heroes, and nobles and nobodies. Everyone who enters into the guild is on the same level socially and there is no such thing as classism. If someone continued to show superiority after joining, it is quickly stamped out, while those who feel beneath everyone are lifted up and counciled until they finally believe that they are worth it.   The t'Ithaune di'Shúwal promise to protect the weak and fight against the hidden evils of the world, as they believe this is why the Creator gifted their abilities to them.  


  1. The Grandmaster
  2. The "Council", comprised of seven members, each representing an element
  3. The rest of the organization

Public Agenda

As an organization comprised exclusively of those who have been blessed by Avva'ai with the ability to wield the element assigned to them, the t'Ithaune di'Shúwal believe in helping those who need to be helped. The abhor the thought of being associated with any kingdom and government because the association could come with restrictions.   They wish to help those like they wished they were helped when their lives were threatened to the point that they earned their element.

Gí Avva'ai'u Mur, Il Shúwal — "By the Creator's will, for hope"

Guild, Adventuring
Alternative Names
The Guardians of Hope, the Secret Masques
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Species

The Elements of t'Ithaune di'Shúwal:

  • Fire
  • Water
  • Nature/Photosynthesis
  • Rock, Ground
  • Ice
  • Lightning, Electricity
  • Wind


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