The Wandering Storyteller

Fabler Tinnathintha Mekthenn (a.k.a. Tinnath)

The Athenaeum Curators hate her for the way she left their ranks.   But what did they expect when the Athenaeum can be so stuffy and the routines so unyielding? Tinnath felt like she was being suffocated, and she wanted nothing more to run away—even though she had no one waiting for her in the outside world and that she had a suitor who was a Athenaeum Scholar.   Tinnath has since become a travelling storyteller, wandering from city to city where she earns her keep by crafting rivetting stories or retelling stories from those she had found and copied in the Archives of the Athenaeum.    Accompanied by her E'duni companion who is often found in the form of a small owl, Tinnath strives to gather old, forgotten, historical stories in order to share them with the average person when the Curators of the Athenaeum would rather bury it (for some reason).    When she's not wandering about, she returns to The Librarian's Nook in order to conduct research and make sure the Athenaeum doesn't take the refuge.  

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tinnath is a young woman from Eldondi who is in good health and eats like a bird. Her mind runs at a million miles an hour and she constantly hungers for more knowledge, more history. She is not that strong, but she knows how to use her walking stick to defend herself, and she can walk for quite a distance before she has to stop and rest.  

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Then, she discovered some forgotten stories in the deepest parts of the Archives when she was sent down there to file some unimportant documents away. She was surprised... and a bit upset when she found that they were stories and historical documents that should have still been in the main library due to their historical significance. She stopped to peruse the documents and she became more confused and bemused as she read.   The next time she was sent down to the Archives with documents to archive, she brought parchment and a stick of charcoal with her, determined to copy down some of the documents as paranoia began to creep up on her. What if something happened to the originals? Having finished her duties for the day, she spent the next several hours copying as much as she could in the Athenaeum's shorthand before slipping out without being noticed.   This repeated for several months until she could not stuff any more parchment into her satchel and she began to attract questioning looks for how much parchment she had taken from the stores. She knew that she would get in trouble if her superiors learned that she had been copying texts from the Archive, which were in the Archive for a reason. So she left, taking the stories she had copied with her.  

Personality Characteristics


She wants to remind the Athenaeum that they are not the end all and be all of knowledge in Eldûra.  
Current Status
Wandering from settlement to settlement, telling stories
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Current Residence
Hazel, large
Long, wavy, dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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