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The history of The Eletraxian Empire

Pre-Contact Wars

5000 PC 0 PC

  • -3251 PCW

    2 /8

    Planetary unification of Electra

    the planet Electra unifys under the house of Forinda Earth year: 2500 BCE

  • -3210 PCW


    Faster then light tests begins
    Discovery, Scientific

    The Eletraxian Acadmy of Sciences begins working on the posiblilty of a Faster then light engine, at this time progress is slowed to a near halt as scientists grapple with the probloms of hyperspace. Earth date: 1300 BCE

  • -3200 PCW

    -3253 PCW

    The manticore tests begin
    Scientific achievement

    a break through in FTL tech leads to several atempts to build a FTL engine but this ultmitly ends in failure.

  • -3168 PCW

    Citadel Rocket system is developed
    Scientific achievement

    The Citadel rocket system was developed as a possable alternitive to FTL, being able to travel at 1/5 the speed of light, it began being used as a way to explore there home solar system. Earth Date: 1368 BCE

  • -3100 PCW

    House Sentire take the throne
    Political event

    House Sentire, a violant marshal house with in Eletraxian socity takes power and exponetionally expands both the FTL and Citadel programs with dreams of building massive interseller fleets.

  • -3040 PCW

    -3044 PCW

    Lightning point ship yard is constructed

    as ship designs continue to advance the need for a ship yard becomes apparint and the the Empire picks lightning point, the tallest mountian on electra to construct a ship yard at its summit due to its high altatude to limit the thrust needed for exiting the Eletraxian Atmosphere, which is denser then earth Earth Date: 1344-1364 BCE

After-Contact Wars

1 ACW 5000 ACW

  • 3382 ACW

    8 /2

    The First Sentire class warp shuttle is is completed

    Designated Sen-001, the first Sentire class warp shuttle is built in the newly constructed Lighting point ship yard and deployed.

  • 3383 ACW

    Sen-001 is deployed
    Military action

    Sen-001 is deployed with a crew compartment of 1700 and an additonal fleet detatchment of 4 destroyers, 2 cruisers, and 5 frigates.

  • 3400 ACW

    Attrition wars
    Military: War

    House Sentire launches attacks against the Cassidrian dominion which leads to the first major galactic confilict.

  • 3500 ACW

    House Apec takes the Throne

    Archonin Apec is voted onto the throne of the Kingdom of Electra soon to be Eletraxian Empire.
