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The Eletraxian Empire


Like the brittish Empire of old Earth the Eletraxian Empire is a monarchy consisting of a king or queen, with a parliment consisting of Noble familys who swear loyalty the a Royal house. each noble family is in control of one or more systems with the empire and the system is enforced by the Division Of Border Control the one govermental body with the abilty to over rule the king, and in the event of a succession crisis the agency takes over the contry until a new king can be found.


the culture of the Eletraxian Empire is very ridged, art is seen as a waste of time. what is practical is whats expected. if an eletraxian has a problom to solve they dont think up a uniqe solution, they use a desegnated tool to solve the problom. if one does not exist they build one, then proceed to use only that tool to solve the same problom next time it arises. this is most commenly seen in the the names of there ships, each ship is not given a name but rather a designation, the fist three digits are a aberviation of the class and then the last four digits tell the order in which it was but into service. and example: a crusader class warp shuttle being the 45th put into service would have the designation CRU-0045. there social customs strangly model that of Human customs down to the smallest difference with a larger emphasise on death. while the Empire has moved way from religon in the recent centuries anchent religons still have a considerable following on there home planet of Electra, with the largest being the Faith of Shadows, a large monothistic religon that worships the Black Hole Electra orbits around refered to in there religus texts a Nolimir The World Razer.

Public Agenda

The Empire's Main and Primary goal above all is profit, they will go to any length to insure Trade between Intersteller Nations, there largest trade partners are the UNE (United nations of earth), UAS (united ax'el systems), the Cassidrian Dominion, and the Sunfire alliance. its secodary goals are esablishing a web of puppets and Allies between the Eletraxian empire and there arch rival the Zydrian Empire.


The Eletraxian Empire has the largest Fleet in the Known Galexy with there only Rivals being the Zydrian Empire and the Cassidrian Dominion. they also contain the largest reserve of valuble materials in the Galexy with two large Banking establishents that operate between the Empire, The Eletraxian Trade Commison (ETC) and the Bank of Teledon which operates it largest branch with in the Empire

Technological Level

The Eletraxian Empire is the formost leader in purly scientific feileds like thepretical physics and quantom mechanics and secound in practical feilds such as weapons development. but they are by far the most technologiclly advanced nation in the galaxy.

Trade & Transport

the Eletraxian empire is the formost trader in the galexy they have a system were the the trade commison will trasport anything for 25% of the total profit, or a flat fee decided by weight. they will trasport anything from vital medicine to Weapons of mass destruction. there geographic postion of the western part of the galaxy means that trade with nations like the Sunfire alliance or the Cassidrion dominionwould be impossible for Nations like The UNE, UAS, and UAP, leading to a monopoly on trade to the southern part of the Empire until the trade war against the cassidrion Dominion lead to a crash in the eletraxian economy and a narrow nutreal shipping route was created where ships could use a serise of warp relays to tranport goods at a lower price which was split between the Nations of the 2024 Trade agreement which was made up of the cassidrion dominion, the Eletraian Empire, the Sunfire alliance, and the newly formed Volan Collective.

United in strife, together in peace

Founding Date
Earth date: 2500 BCE
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Legislative Body
Laws are writen by nobles selected from planetary elections which then meet in the Eletraxian parlimant on Electra which then go to the King for his seal and approval. is the king vetos the law it is dead, if parlement wishes to have this law in effect they must draft a new law with diffrent conditons and punishments.
Judicial Body
The judical body if the eletraxian goverment is split between the courts Planetary police forces and the Eletraxian navy who polices the Empires space terratory.
Executive Body
The executive body of the Empire is the King who desends from a royal linege. he has the power to instatute a draft, levy taxs, command military forces and veto laws he may also instatute minor laws that may be vetoed by parliment with no recourse.
Official Languages
Related Species

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