Arcanum Overload

Arcanum Overload it is considered a mage sickness, yet anybody can contract it. It occurs when your body reaches the limit of its ability to contain magical energy. Making your mana desire to emerge from your body.


Cause of Arcanum Overload is usually self-induced. Mages and sorcerers attempting to expand their mana pools or spell strength. By utilizing some kind of artificial means, such as a potion to boost the caster's mana pool or narcotics to amp up the strength of their spells. Alternatively, have other people transfer their powers to the castor even though they are already at full capacity. There are 1,000,000 conceivable methods in which castors have attempted to boost their mana stores or Spell power. When this occurs, the body may be unable to hold the amount of magical power they have invested in it, causing overload. There are a few natural ways that they could contract this condition. The most common is getting caught in a Mana Storm , either by mistake or intentionally.


There are only two options for treatment when this occurs. For someone who has arcanum overload, strive to employ as much magic as possible until their body runs out of mana. The issue is that it is difficult for them to concentrate on casting spells when in extreme pain. The second step is to have someone or a machine siphon their magical energy. To expel or remove their magical energy, the person would need to know a spell or ritual that can do it. There are various machines that are being used to extract magical energy. However, they would need to get to the person before their body erupts.


First, the individual will feel like one of the most powerful beings on the planet. They might believe their body has a limitless supply of Mana. Their aura will be visible even if they aren't casting a spell. If they take too long to eliminate extra mana or if they put too much in their body. Their body will soon feel as if it is striving to expand beyond itself. Shortly after, their body begins to fill with intense pain, and they experience a horrible migraine they never imagined. Then their body will feel heated and they will have burn marks all over their body.  When their aura begins to become erratic and uncontrollable. The agony will increase in both the body and the mind to the point that they either pass out or are unlucky to be awake as their body will erupt with magical energy, destroying the surrounding region. These explosives can be both destructive and huge. They just depend on how much mana is escaping their body. 

The timing of this all depends on how far they push their regular limitations. The shortest time ever recorded was 10 minutes. There are records of a few people that lasted a few hours. It actually depends on how much they go over their limit and how well they regulate and manage their own mana.

Affected Groups

Anyone and everyone can become affected.


Do not try to increase ones magical powers beyond the body's natural capacity.

Cultural Reception

Most people have two concepts that come to mind. Dumb young poor kid striving to be more than he is right now. Let's get some help before he hurts himself. The second is excellent; someone who wishes to destroy or govern the globe has gotten what they deserve. This is typically how people perceive folks suffering from Arcanum Overdose.

There are kingdoms and regions that have dealt with cultists and fanatics. That was done on purpose to cause the member to catch Arcanum Overload. To use it to harm themselves and the environment. They transform people into walking bombs. This gives people a fear of people blowing up and never knowing what some are up to. The Phoenixes of Kasai provide the best and worst examples of this. This is a cult that believes the Kasai  intends to destroy the world so that it may rise again. They strongly believe that disaster will commence a new. A sizable portion of this group set their goals for the Kingdom of Saint Oxford and the Realm of Aerohallow. They intended to destroy these two kingdoms. So they could transform into something new, just like the Kingdom of Megotin did after their The Great Summonor War .

So they created an elixir to cause Arcanum overload and launch attacks on random cities and regions with a large populations. They would drink this elixir, resulting in an Arcanum overload within 10 minutes. causing a catastrophic explosion, killing a lot of lives, and Destroying cities. They utilized this disease to construct the ultimate sacrifice, claiming that Kasai would reward them in the hereafter for causing this devastation. It took the cooperation of both kingdoms to discover and eradicate their secret stronghold and the group. However, the last remark left an impression on society. know folks who are concerned about people overusing magic or ingesting unknown vile. As a result, Aerohallow has shifted its concentration away from spellcraft and toward manufacturing. Saint Oxford has enacted laws and limits on Mana potions and other potions, herbs, and medicines that restore or boost Mana output. What has genuinely helped young and inspiring individuals to not overdo it. Well, the Phoenixes of Kaze were correct; as a result, something new emerged from their devastation.
Chronic, Acquired

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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