DT Forces

What soldiers seek is to prove that they are the greatest of the best. In the Kingdom of Saint Oxford, they intends to stop short of that. They want to be on the royal protection detail. Be a part of an Explored unit and get sent off somewhere new. However, if you are skilled and lucky, well, lucky may not be the right term skilled enough, you become a member of the DT Force.

DT Force The squad in command of Treasure Hills . They are present to protect any unwelcome guests. To keep the adventurers in order and to periodically inspect the caverns to ensure that they are still alive. They are also responsible for resolving any treasure conflicts between laborers and adventurers. This is a job where you can prove yourself to be the very best. Nonetheless, everyone in the unit will tell you it love and hate kind of job. Exploring Treasure Hill is enjoyable, but dealing with adventurers on a daily basis is a pain



This unit is roughly 100 individuals in this DT Force, which is divided down into 60 Soldiers. 20 Mages, 20 Field Medics.


The Border patrols will be on Iron Mares . This way they don't have to worry about the horses being too tired in the late evenings or early mornings. This will also help to uncover more ground as they keep moving day and night.


They are organized into five-man squads: three soldiers, one field medic, and one mage. The groups will conduct a range of jobs. From patrolling the borders of the hills. To provide a guard detail and enforce the staff's actions with the guests and adventures. Explore the caverns from time to time to check on people or get treasure for the Kingdom and themselves. They will work in rotations, trading out every so often, and there will be no time of day when no one is on patrol. When interacting with adventures, one squadron will speak to the group. While at least two keep a watch on the situation. They are ready to jump in if any violence starts up.


The entire unit is trained in military fighting and tactics. Everyone will have a good understanding of how to use a blade and engage in hand-to-hand combat. In addition, everyone will receive comprehensive first-aid training. They will also be educated to identify traps and common monsters in this area. They will also be taught social manners and how to communicate with guests.

 The soldiers then receive extensive training with weapons and armor in any style they desire. They will also be taught how to disarm and avoid various forms of traps. This will include extra training on scouting in order to figure out the terrain quickly.

Mage are classified into two types: battle mage, who are trained for close-range and medium-range combat. Focusing on improving and supporting the party, as well as being able to serve it up. The other type of wizard focuses on detection and identification spells. Identifying spills is useful when the adventurer reports one thing and the appraiser reports another. They become the second opinion and final decision. Detection spells is used to detect anybody attempting to sneak in or out of the property, as well as find and locate items on Treasure Hill. Both varieties of mage will receive training in magical disarmament. This allows them to either disarm or prepare for any magical booby traps.

Field medics will be fully trained in physical healing techniques and healing magic. They are there to help patch individuals up quickly and ensure their colleagues' survival. When they heal up an adventurer, they now have the option of charching them for the treatment to earning some money. They will  delve deeper into the knowledge of the monsters and creatures that live on Treasure Hill. To inform their squad about the creature's vulnerabilities and strengths so that they can eliminate it swiftly.



They can be recruited from anywhere in the Kingdom's army. If they have high potential and Excellent skills, they may be recruited directly off the street. They are typically chosen from among the best cadets and begin their training after the first five years in the army. There have also been times when persons rose through the ranks and were chosen for this position. This unit has three recruits and if they believe the individual is skilled enough and tough enough. They will scout them and send them to training and then become an asset.
Special Forces
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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Aug 17, 2024 18:12 by Marjorie Ariel

lol I love that these guys just kind of check the various caves to see if any adventurerers died down there.

Aug 21, 2024 12:37 by Marc Zipper

Thanks for the comment I can see them walk in the entrances with clip board yep their died and walk back out lol.

Let's have fun creating the impossible, building new worlds, and all types of possibilities. Valcin