Iron Mares

High oh Iron away. Is not your typical horse. It a metal Golem horse. That will get you where you going. They are built for speed. They are used to getting around They are one the fast way to get around the continent.  


The Golem Core they use are build with horse bone mostly. So when A racing horse is made to end life they will sell horse bone to make a profit. Also, adventurers and traveler that has a home where they make them will sell them. Know with this has new market has come A dark part. Where people try to inhalent their horses to make them more expensive to sell their bones. There is also a Bandit that will kill horses to make the gold. with people there good and bad rasing and grow of the horse for life, most people have frame take relly good care of them with great training and healthy eating. Then you have one that does it for mass breading just grow and bread and be a slaughter.


Most Iron Mares go between 40 miles an hour to 60 miles an hour. There have been those that have been built to go about 80 miles an hour but those don't work long. There have been other golem that go faster but they are typically not built like a horse.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

It is made out of iron in the shape of a horse with Aether engine. That will help them with handle the faster speed and long trips. it has Golem Core for the control set up and basic functions.
Item type
It depends on the area there are some kingdoms that use for some part of their life. Others who think the tech is a danger or messing with the dead
Base Price
1500GP Start off for basic modle
Raw materials & Components
  1. Iron or some kind sturdy metal for the body
  2. Lay Line Crystals 
  3. Aether
  4.  Engine
  5. Golem Core 

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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