Hikari Paladin
Hikari paladins were the first Paladins to come into existence. they are known for order law and being there to protect the week and seek out the truth. by the teachings of Hikari they are here to protect and bring light to the darkness of this world
Page, Apprentice Paladin, Paladin, Caption Paladin, Holy Warrior, Holy Guardian, lord of light
Public Agenda
To protect the kingdom they Part of and the Church of Hikari from all type danger esply one go agin the order of this world
Divine Origins
When the Church of Hikari was found it was first just clrcme men and other try to help the 5 spreated world when they where atack by bantedt Lucar the orc dised to get some knnight to help protcted them and their people as the church grew so did the repsbilyt of the knight became deedfolwer the hika blessed them turn into holy knight right before the war
We are the Buveyer of the Light
Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
Seeker of Truth
Parent Organization