Mana Wave Scanner

Mana Wave Scanner or MW Scanner for a short. Is the only instrument used to scan a specific area of land for additional mana in the atmosphere. This device will provide readings on how much mana is in the region and what wavelengths are related with it. This device also serves as a warning mechanism for any mana-related anomalies. This technology has proved quite useful in today's environment.


It works by scanning a large region and determining the amount of mana in that area. It was originally intended to aid in the discovery of leyline sites and other high-density magical areas for usage by Wizards. There have been numerous and diverse versions around the world. In today's world, they are employed to detect Lay Line  sites as well as other warning systems for Lay Line Charge Explosion .

Allowing time for the miners to return and set up protections based on the lay line they are in. It is also employed in places with a high density of mana to give a warning system for Mana Storm  and the onset of potential mana-related catastrophes. Some mages will even utilize it to discover a location where they can use specific element wavelengths for magical experiments and spells. This technology has also found applications in the medical field, primarily being the base layout for MP scanners.

How it Works

It operates by using a container with sensors on the outside, top and bottom. That pulls in the mana in the air. inside of the container is a diamond that mana absorbs into. The diamond will start to glow a rainbow of color. The color will vary in size and brightness. it is. The larger and brighter the color arura is in the demon is, the more of that type of element it has. A person will need to come out on a regular basis to check the canisters and observe what is going on in the air.

There is also a gauge that moves up and down based on the amount of mana in the air. If make it past the red line, there is a strong chance of a mana storm or a lay line explosion, depending on the area. The red line is set variably depending on the area due to the size of the layline or the potency of the land. When the gauge crosses the red line, it sends an alert to the terminal base. Normally, several will go off, giving you a good idea of where the storm is due to occur. The terminal area only contains the alarms and is in a central location to receive all nodes. The spot tied to the node will flash red and emit obnoxious sounds until turn off. Now, the warning mechanism does not provide an exact time range; it could be 30 minutes before the storm or several days later. Well, it does offer you some time to get out of there and assess the situation. This has been very useful for lay-line mining. To prepare for a lay line explosion, which usually occurs after a few of days' notice. The M.W. Scanner is less accurate with mana storms.

Social Impact

M.W. Scanner has helped to save many lives by warning of impending storms. Has improved the lives and safety of layline miners. Know there are those majors who will exploit his wealth to their own advantage. They can find rich areas of mana to make it easier to cast a powerful ritual. Then again, most civilizations use it in some way to gain an edge. All in all the M.W. Scanner has improve lot of lives and safe just has many.
Access & Availability
WS Scanner is primarily used by corporations and kingdoms. This technology is accessible yet costly. The expense increases in proportion to the size of the area being monitored and analyzed. The price will also go up depending on how detailed the mana readings should be.
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Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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