Summer Camp 2024 Reading Challenge

So I began my summer camp with the plan of trying to do all four joining camp Farrell. Well I came pretty close I got 38 out of 40 pretty good so they had a convention to DM and set for. I really did enjoy it I love the 38 prompts I did come up with. I am surprised by some of the Anvil comments about certain ones that I didn't think I wrote that well. So that makes me happy I'm also enjoying the fact of reading what little I can even though this summer heat is really zapping the energy at me at work. On all summer camp was a blast and everyone did amazing.

So I have read a lot of articles articles and an amazing seeing people's ideas. There are ideas that are very similar to the ones I have and there are some that I would never even think of or a unique twist that it's so cool. I love how we all can make really cool world and put amzing stuff in them.  I'm going to list the 10 that I found very interesting to me personally that let their work speak for themselves. The one read have given me idea on stuff to make, way to write and wish that was good at coding. I also need to get better at reading and socializing online in general but I definitely want to get better at reading other people's articles and supporting all the Anvil lights on here.

My goal for the next 6 months is to keep world building for both my players and the story I'm working on. To go back to my old articles and update know that am a better writer. And figure out coding and make my world look cool. Also to let my self be ok with tab so I have place to start or at less name and what for to build later.

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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