The Phoenixes of Kasai

Phoenixes of Kasai It's a fanatical group that believes in Kasai God of Fire . This group has concentrated heavily on the causes of ideas that destruction will come out stronger and better. What is stated above is accurate for Kasai believers. The other Group and individuals who followed him belive when we suffering we will become stronger from it. If anything was damaged, reforge it, rebuild it, and make it better than before. To learn from destruction to improve from it. This is how the majority of the world views his teachings.

The Phoenixes of Kasai believe that the planet must undergo a burning in order to rise from the ashes. That world should rise from the ashes like a phoenix. They become stronger and more powerful with each death. This is their actual belief, and they have committed several horrific actions in this pursuit.


There are nine known sects of this cult, each with the identical purpose of burning the world on fire, but they achieve it in different methods. They all run similarly. So you have your cult initiate, also known as a spark. They have just joined and are learning what it takes to be a true Kasai disciple. Then they'll take the Ignite test. The brief version of this test is that they will be given a serum while taking the test again to determine the reason and order. Then, for several days, they will feel as if their insides are on fire, and their aura will begin to burn their body. During this period, you may just burn up and die, but if you survive, you will become a full-fledged member of the Cult known as a  Flame.

The majority of the members are Flames. They do come in a variety of sorts. This frequently emphasizes whether a person has been blessed by Kasai or possesses Pacific skills that will be used for the cause. They color code them so you know what kind of Flame you are.
  • Yellow is for average Curtis this what most people become after the Ignite.
  • Blue are people who have been blessed by Kasia to be his blade in this Fire (paladins)
  • Green are people who have been blessed by Kasai to spread the word the phoenix of Kasia (cleric)
  • White are people with skills to build and create amazing masterpieces to send the world ablaze (engineers and alchemists)
  • Red are those that have been blessed with the magical capacity to summon and conjure magical forces to burn and destroy this world (any arcane caster)

    Then there's the Blaze, which represents the group leaders in the faith. They are there to assist with training and organizing each group. They are also the primary decision-makers. In each sect, there is only one person who stands above everyone else. Becoming a Blaze Is actually the most straightforward thang in the sect They are chosen by the InfernoLord.

    The Inferno Lord is the sect's leader and one of the nine bosses. These people are familiar with each goal and each other sect. They established the group's goals and desires to set the world ablaze. To become the next Inferno Lord, all one is required is to tell the current Inferno Lord that they want to become Inferno Lord. Then the Inerfno Lord and challenger will go off somewhere. Only one of them returns and is currently that person is the Inferno Lord. They frequently return with a lot of burn marks and the scent of smoke. They have all the knowledge to be Inferno Lord.

Public Agenda

The public understands they are zealots and radical believers who have perverted Kasia's ideas. They belive them to be pyromaniacs who simply want to watch everything burn and destroy the world

Mythology & Lore

Their founder, Nigel Breathen. A dragon he was trying to survive had set him on fire, and as the flame hit him he received a vision. He noticed the magnificent colors of the flame. As he was transported into the future. He looked around, and all he saw was Ash and Sud. Burnt plants were found all over the buildings, which had been charred or burned down. Then he noticed several sentient beings, They looked different with their skin appeared rougher and tougher. As their auras radiated out from them and he could feel it from so far away. Even the animals that were around them looked like they've gone through an evolution. Like he could recognize what they were at the same time they were so much more deadlier than their ancestors. He saw the woman pet the dog that literally had scaled on its entire body thin fur on it and sharp fangs. And the dog looked at her and looked at her face.

He thought they were capable of facing a dragon on their own. That's when he heard a voice from just behind him. "Set the world on fire, and those who survive will be stronger than anyone we meet today." When he looked back, he noticed Kasia approaching him. "From destruction comes I knew power and strength as you are feeling right now so grab on to that and bring out the flames"

That's when he snapped back to reality, experiencing both the pain of the Dragon's fire and the Fire from within him, which blazed much brighter. He attacked the dragon's head in order to claim its head. Thanks to his new body, which has been baptized by fire, he has been born again. Was give the power to kill a dragon and bring a bright futher

The world will burn we will rise from the ashes because we are Kasia chosen

Religious, Cult

Articles under The Phoenixes of Kasai

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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