World of Fire

TheThe Phoenixes of Kasai  believe that a day will come when flames will burn and purify the entire globe. The weak will perish in the flames, but the survivors will gain strength. Thus, the survivors will rise from the ashes and become something greater than they were before the world burns. Behold the power of the fire and rebirth thanks to out Lord Kasai God of Fire .


Therefore, there  belief is that the world will eventually be consumed by a massive fire. Reducing it to ashes and cinders. Where nearly everything will perish and turn into a planet into the world of the Fire Lord. The only thing that will survive the massive fire is one that become one with the flame. Those who will develop  by the flames will gain new power and strengthen it. To survive in this dangerous land of ash and flames. They thought that the God Kasai had shown them and desired this future for them. That the chosen one will be the ones who make it through the flame, and they will be bestowed with his heavenly abilities. granting them powers and capabilities unseen by the outside world. By let the flame engulfed this, world  will create a perfect circumstance for the planet.

In Literature

This concept was initially conceived by their founder, Nigel Breathen. When a dragon was burning him alive, he was given the vision of the in flame world and then walk around the ash of it. Seeing the world in ash and stonger and more power creatures live their.  Then when new member take Ignite test  the one who survive and become member. Some of them are given a glimpse of the promised land. Numerous depictions of how the world engulfed in massive flames appear but all them have the same outcome. Following the world's engulfment in flames, those who have managed to survive are bestowed with the blessing of Kasia and transcending beyond the current self.

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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