Whisper Village

A settlement in the Zephyr Mountain Range  at the foot of Gale Mountain. It is the only village in the Singache Kingdom with a high population density of Fairy and Human  . This village was home to Glendale Lightwind, the wind avatar, which was designed to keep her secrets and family safe.


  • Fairy 52%
  • Human 38%
  • Other 10%


Respect and followthe Singache King and government, yet they also have the ability to govern themselves. So says the leader of the House of Lightwind. There is also the rule of the town. They are responsible for resolving all disputes. They've constructed a council with the populace start to grow. To assist with the norms and regulations.


The Zefra Mountain Range provides significant national protection to the village of Whispers. Unless you can fly or they are an excellent climber with strong balance. The distance and the terrain make it incredibly difficult to reach. It is even perilous for persons who are unfamiliar with the area, as they could easily tumble off a cliff and die.

They also have a flying fairy regiment and humans on Griffins patrolling the area. They group also perform some hunting and trading. Ensure that they receive supplies and other items that the town requires. Even if they make it to town, they will be protected by the Monks of the Four Winds and incredibly powerful wind mages. So they have both close quarters and long range covered.


Before the town was even established back in ancient times. It was time for the wind trial. Two unusual individuals have teamed up to take on the Wind Trilas . Glendale Lightwind, a fairy wind sorcerer, attempted to become the next avatar. She felt the wind's call, telling her where to go and what to do. She teamed up with a Human man to protect her. Blaine Clannad was a human monk who wanted to develop his own style and believed that traversing the world would provide him with the necessary expertise to construct his own monastery.

During her travels, Glendale passed her trials and Blain met all that of people and learned various martial arts. They also developed a tight bond and became lovers. See even told Blaine about the wind and Kaze God of Air . They enjoy traveling and being with one another; the only disadvantage is that they will be unable to have children.

It took them two years to reach all four trials and complete them. Glendale rose to the stars with the avatar of wind. She did ask the great Kaze for a blessing. On their voyage back to Glendale's native land. She became pregnant with Blaine's children thanks to Kaze. When they returned to her hometown, The Fairy King Harlequin was overjoyed that she had won the avatar contest, but he soon realized what she had accomplished. So he had his Kingdom build a little town at the foot of Gale Mountain for them.

This is a place where they can start a family while remaining safe and secret. The world does not need to know that the avatar of wind has a baby or that she accomplishes the impossible with a human. The King was concerned that somebody would try to use or kill them. He desired that they mature before being loved. His niece, in particular, deserves to be happy because she is about to embark on the difficult job how being the Avatar.

Some of the fairies did move there to help them. Blaine did establish his monastery there and sent invites to those he trusted. They had twin girls. One was more fairy-like but larger than the average fairy, while the other was more human-like but smaller than the average person. They are cherished and cared for by their family and the town. This is how the Lightwind bloodline began, and Both of their lines still dwell there now. This is how the town was started and is still around today.

Points of interest

Four Wind Monastery is a place where you can learn how to fight with the wind and enhance your physical abilities. Most of the individuals who join live in this town, but when the acolytes or monks travel out to follow the wind, they occasionally come across people to invite back to the monastery.

A shrine for Kaze; all who dwell here worship the wind God. This is where they will meet together, learn about the way of the wind, and find the path that Kaze desires for them.

There is even a magnificent statue of Glendale and Blaine embracing each other, walking forward. Showing the couples on their own journey. This is to remind everyone of how the town became the bee, as well as how walking following the path of the wind will lead you to your destination.

The cliffs Flying Beyond Fear are halfway up Zephyr Mountain. Is a facility where they train those people to fly. That way, they won't have to worry about falling too quickly due to the updraft. They also hold wedding ceremonies there. To have the wonderful couple stand there, experience the course of the wind as they are joined together, and get blessings from Kaze.

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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