Zephyr Mountain Range

Zephyr Mountain Range is a range located south of Raygon. It is also known as the Windy Mountain. That's true because the place never appears to be without wind. Throughout the range, you will experience either a light breeze or a powerful draft. This mountain also provides a lot of fresh water to the adjacent kingdoms. It has the longest wind lay line and the highest mountain on Raygon.  Whisper Village


The Zephyr Mountain Range is a rugged mountain with a lot of challenging terrain. The wind is constantly blowing in all directions. To be covered in plants up to halfway up most mountains, begin thine out 3/4 of the way. It also contains many tunnels and caverns to explore. When you go into them you will hear the echo of the wind. Some people who visit the Moutanins think it hunted because of that

It has a large wind Lay Line , which has affected a lot of the mountain. no one is sure what the borderline is for the lay line because the mountain range is a maze in its own right. This is the underlying concept behind the mountain range's continual wind. That the wind lay line has provided. Everyone who lives near or on the mountain pays attention to the mana in the air. To avoid being caught in a Lay Line explosion.

It is home to a group of Griffins who live across the range.

Several rivers flow out of the range, supplying fresh water to the land. There are both large and little ones.

The Azeris Spring is located deep within the mountain. The Spring is truly deep and also a rich silver color.

Gale Mountain is the tallest mountain in the Raygon continent. About halfway up the mountain, there is a Cliff called Flying Beyond Fear. It was a spot where locals learned to fly and had their wedding rites. That is because there is all way a up drift of strong wind. That can flot a person for a short time. Making way to get the hang of flying and gliding. Most of the citizens follow the Kaze God of Air as their God. Make this the perfect place for the ceremony
Mountain / Hill

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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