Scrazzor Orkhiner Character in Elemaran | World Anvil
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Scrazzor Orkhiner

General Scrazzor Orkhiner is the most senior officer of the armed forces of Shadra, military advisor to King Jasef Tesi, and Shadra's single most respected tactician.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Scrazzor was born to the owners of a small militia in the east of Shadra, in which he would often help with the administration for the organisation. While he found the militia to be capable and well equipped, he thought them very disorganised, and deemed this to be the cause of the relatively high mortality rate. Once his father died, leaving him in command of the militia, he immediately brought a series of changes. He gave the militia a clear command structure, organising the militia into groups of twelve. This had an instant effect on the capability of the militia, something that caught the attention of King Ornan Tesi, who had hired the militia to defend the eastern town of Kirth from Syndalan forces. King Tesi instantly placed him in command of one of Shadra's legions. Scrazzor excelled in a number of military conflicts, including the Battle of Noter and the campaign against Linserk. Within three years, he was placed in command of the entire army. With the death of Ornan Tesi five years later, Scrazzor pledged loyalty to his son, King Jasef Tesi. Scrazzor was known for his courage in disagreeing with Jasef on military matters, and they got into arguments in which Jasef threatened to execute him on two occasions. Regardless, the two eventually became good friends, and Scrazzor even became a favourite in the royal court.


Scrazzor learnt what he knows about military tactics from a mixture of militia and military experience. He has experience in both the small scale - managing small groups within the militia, and the large scale - managing legions of the Shadraki military. He also has experience in combat, and is capable of acting as a bodyguard to Jasef.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Scrazzor has led Shadra to a series of military victories, mainly against Syndal and Kelbrike, but also against raiders from Arlden. It is no coincidence that Shadra's military record greatly improved after Scrazzor was put in power.

Personality Characteristics


While Scrazzor is extremely loyal to King Jasef Tesi, his primary loyalty is to the nation of Shadra.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Scrazzor is a phenomenal tactician, known for modernising the Shadraki military to standards comparable to those of the Kingdom of Thorn or even the Cordaint Empire. He helped streamline logistics into a system that uses less workers, allowing more money to be put into better equipment and the wages of soldiers.

Virtues & Personality perks

Scrazzor is known for his patience and ability to take time to think things through. This puts him at a direct contrast with the King, known for his quick, even rash decision-making.


Jasef Tesi

Ruler (Important)

Towards Scrazzor Orkhiner



Scrazzor Orkhiner

Military advisor (Important)

Towards Jasef Tesi




The two knew little of each other during the rule of Ornan Tesi, only seeing each other occasionally in the Royal Coury of the Grey Palace. This changed once King Ornan died, and Jasef Tesi was coronated. General Orkhiner was loyal to Jasef, but disagreed with his aggressive foreign policy and isolationism. The two often argued, with King Jasef even threatening to execute him on two occasions. Whether he would have actually done so were Scrazzor not to back down is doubtful. Despite their differences, the two have a huge amount of respect for one another.

Lawful neutral
Year of Birth
1476 119 Years old
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Scrazzor speaks Shadraki as a first language, but also knows some Kelbrike, Erdantine, Cordaintine, and Kabal. He refuses to learn Eserisk.
Ruled Locations

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