The Alchemist's Compendium

Herbs of the New World

Increased levels of radiation caused by the remnants of the Apophis missiles that fell back to earth have caused the flora and fauna of the Earth to mutate. New variations of plants and small animals have become extremely common as quick lifespans cause mutation of a gene pool to happen much quicker than intelligent life. This is a list of all the relevant ingredients that can be found in the new irradiated world. As a DM, I'll be forgiving with the Place of Occurrence as the adventurers travel the world.

Herb Rarity # on Find Location Components
Scissorreed Common 1 Waterside
Livermoss Common 20 Waterside
Darkshroom Common 1 Cave, Forest
Devilshroom Common 1 Cave
Harnessweed Common 2 Swamp
Swampweed Common 1 Swamp
Birch Tree Common 20 Forest, Waterside Bark
Umbelfern Common 20 Mountain
Silverleaf Common 1 Grasslands
Bladefern Common 20 Mountain, Forest
Lilac Common 20 Grasslands Flower
Ironstalk Common 1 Grasslands, Forest
Rocknettle Common 1 Mountain, Forest
Firenettle Common 2 Mountain
Stoneroot Common 1 Mountain
Toadroot Common 3 Waterside, Swamp
King's Thistle Common 2 Mountain
Morningthaw Common 1 Forest, Mountain
Wolfherb Common 1 Forest
Redroot Common 3 Grasslands, Forest, Mountain
Everlime Tree Common 20 Mountain Root, Sap, Leaf
Everlime Moss Common 20 Mountain + Everlime Tree
Crownstalk Rare 5 Mountain + Waterside
Goblinberry Rare 1 Forest + Waterside
Ruler's Blade Rare 1 Grasslands + Waterside
Dragonroot Rare 1 Mountain + Cave
Demonmold Rare 1 Cave + Rotting Corpse
Trollflower Rare 1 Mountain + Troll Lair
Goldleaf Rare 3 Grasslands
Very Strange Mushroom Rare 2 Cave, Forest
Snapperweed Rare 1 Mountain + Snapper Den

Other Ingredients

Some Ingredients used in alchemy are not plants but are rather basic items that can be found in urban areas, purchased, or crafted.

Ingredient Rarity # on find Location Purchase Craft
Alcohol Common 3 Trader, Brewer, Tavern, Selfmade Value: 3 Brewer's Tools (DC 13)
Vinegar Common 5 Trader, Brewery, Doctor, Selfmade Value: 2 Brewer's Tools (DC 10)
Charcoal Common 3 Trader, Charcoal Burner Value: 0 N/A
Salt Common 5 Trader, Farmer, Mines Value: 5 N/A
Sulfur Uncommon 2 Trader, Mines Value: 1 N/A
Irondust Uncommon 1 Trader, Mines, Smith, Selfmade Value: 2 Smith's Tools (DC 14)
Bloodfly Stinger Rare 1 Trader, Hunter, Dead Bloodfly Value: 3 N/A
Nitre Rare 1 Trader, Mines, Caves, Selfmade Value: 3 Alchemist's Supplies (DC 16)

Searching for Ingredients

Chemists may search for herbs in any given area. They may invest 1, 10, or 60 minutes to search for specific herbs (max 3) which need to be named by the player, for example: "I want to go upstream and into the hills and search for Silverleaf and Ironstalk for 10 minutes."

Forage: INT + WIS + Proficiency Bonus if either one or both of Nature and Perception are proficient. Roll a d20 to search.

Depending on the score you will make several finds. Consult this table to determine the outcome of your roll.

Foraging Finds

Difficulty Class:51015202530
# of finds for 1 min011223
# of finds for 10 min122345
# of finds for 60 min567101620

You may choose which of the declared herbs were found. Choosing a rare herb counts as 2 finds. Finding one herb multiple times is allowed. Be aware that for example, one find of Toadroot means receiving 3 units of this herb, as detailed above. The DM may also place a herb in your path that you may find without the need to search for it.

The Essence of Alchemy

To produce these essences a DC check in Alchemy is required: DEX + INT + Proficiency Bonus if the Chemist is proficient in Nature or Sleight of Hand or both. On a failure, depending on how far off the result is, some or all ingredients are lost and only some or no essences are produced. Any variation of the same essence, shown by a letter, (ex. SOFTNER A and SOFTNER B) may be used for as that essence. These are merely different recipes for the same thing.

Essence Name DC # Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3 Ingredient 4 Ingredient 5
HEALING I A 10 1 3x Livermoss 1x salt
HEALING I B 10 1 2x Silverleaf 1x salt
HEALING I C 15 2 1x Redroot
HEALING II A 15 1 1x Redroot 1x Ironstalk
HEALING II B 15 1 1x Redroot 1x Wolfherb
HEALING II C 20 2 2x Ironstalk 1x Firenettle
HEALING III A 20 1 2x Redroot 2x King's Thistle
HEALING III B 20 1 2x Redroot 1x Harnessweed
HEALING III C 25 4 3x Redroot 1x Goldleaf 1x salt
INCINDIARY A 10 1 1x Rocknettle 1x nitre 1x charcoal
INCINDIARY B 15 2 1x Firenettle 1x nitre 1x charcoal
INCINDIARY C 25 5 2x Firenettle 1x Rocknettle 1x nitre 1x charcoal 1x sulfur
ACID I A 10 1 1x Darkshroom 1x Everlime root 1x vinegar
ACID I B 10 1 2x Bladefern 2x Wolfherb 1x vinegar
ACID I C 20 4 1x Darkshroom 1x Devilshroom 1x sulfur 1x vinegar
ACID II A 15 1 1x Snapperweed 1x sulfur 1x vinegar
ACID II B 20 2 7x Everlime sap 1x Silverleaf 1x salt 1x sulfur 1x vinegar
ACID II C 20 1 4x ACID I 1x sulfur
SOFTENER A 10 1 3x Livermoss 1x Silverleaf 1x Scissorreed
SOFTENER B 10 1 1x Swampweed 1x Lilac 1x Everlime sap
SOFTENER C 15 2 1x Swampweed 1x Silverleaf 2x Harnessweed
HARDENER A 10 1 2x Stoneroot 1x Ironstalk
HARDENER B 20 2 2x King's Thistle 1x Silverleaf
CLEANSE A 10 1 2x Toadroot 1x Ironstalk
CLEANSE B 15 2 2x Toadroot 1x Bladefern
CLEANSE C 15 2 3x Birch bark 2x Umbelfern 1x vinegar
CLEANSE D 25 1 1x Toadroot
CHILL I A 15 1 1x Morningthaw 2x lilac flower 1x Livermoss
CHILL I B 15 2 1x Morningthaw 2x lilac flower 1x King's Thistle
CALM A 10 1 1x Swampweed 4x Bladefern
CALM B 15 1 1x Silverleaf 2x Umbelfern
INVIGORATE A 15 2 1x Devilshroom 1x Everlime sap 1x Ironstalk
INVIGORATE B 15 1 1x Firenettle 1x Everlime sap 1x Ironstalk
QUICKEN A 15 1 1x Harnessweed 1x Silverleaf 1x vinegar
QUICKEN B 15 1 1x King's Thistle 1x Wolfherb 1x vinegar
INSPIRE A 10 1 1x Silverleaf 1x Toadroot 1x charcoal
INSPIRE B 10 1 1x Silverleaf 1x Scissorreed 1x charcoal
INSPIRE C 25 5 2x Silverleaf 1x Crownstalk 1x rocksalt
POISON A 10 1 2x Toadroot 1x alcohol 1x salt
POISON B 15 3 4x Bloodfly stinger 1x vinegar
POISON C 15 3 3x Umblefern 2x Firenettle
POISON D 15 3 2x Darkshroom 1x Devilshroom 1x vinegar
POISON E 25 6 1x Demonmold 2x sulfur

The Alchemist's Compendium

For the purpose of clarity, think of the potions listed here to represent the Chemist's very own specific spells. The following recipes are known to every Chemist. Their makeup, ingredients, and production are copied to paper and learned by heart by every student as part of their basic education. A Chemist might carry a book with them where he can revisit his knowledge. All of the listed potions, elixirs, bombs, or concoctions must be carried in the Chemist's belt and cannot be put into his backpack for they might crack. Also, these products do not sustain their potency when stashed away or when they are not under the supervision of the Chemist (e. g. given to another player). They may not be traded or handed to another person unless explicitly stated so. Administering a potion, however, is allowed. Given the Alchemist possesses the ingredients he may produce any of the following recipes as a bonus action.

Alchemy Risk

When a novice chemist makes a more advanced potion, bomb, or elixir there's a chance that it may not act as expected. This risk is represented by the Risk DC. When using an item make a risk check: d20 + your tier + your proficiency bonus. Unless your tier and proficiency bonus together are greater than the Risk DC. On a failure, something goes wrong. Depending on how much lower the roll is, the item may work as normal but have a minor effect, such as turning the user's hair a different color. Or the item may not work at all or do the opposite of what you want. Natural 1s and 20s do have extra effect for this roll.

Alchemy Properties

Many potions, bombs, and elixirs have properties that refer to how the item can be used.

  • Applicable. These items can be applied to an object or surface, and apply their effect to that object. Unless otherwise stated, the item can cover an entire weapon or object, a single face of a vehicle of size Huge and smaller, or a 15 x 15-foot surface.

  • Ingestible. These items must be ingested to have an effect. Consuming or administering these items to another creature takes one action unless otherwise stated or modified by another feature.

  • Special. These items have special rules that apply. Read the item's effect for more information.

  • Throwable. These items are contained in a small splash vial, or grenade and should be thrown for best effect. Unless modified by another feature you may throw these items at a range of 30 + your Dexterity score feet. Since they are contained in fragile containers crushing, shooting, or otherwise impacting these items causes them to go off. Additionally, if you are knocked prone, take fall damage, or bludgeoning damage greater than 1/4 your max health you must make a check to see if one of your items is triggered by the impact. Make a Dexterity saving throw DC 12. On a failure, a random item is triggered centered on you. On a success, nothing happens.


Acrid Smoke Bomb

Bomb Throwable

Ingredients: 2x ACID I

Risk DC: 4

Recommended Tier: 1


Acidic Smoke can be thrown as an improvised weapon. After impact the bomb emits a greenish, sluggish plume of smoke in a 10 ft. radius that lingers for 30 Seconds. Every creature that starts its turn within this area must succeed a Constitution Saving Throw against your Chemist save DC or take acid damage equal to your tier. On success they take half damage. You may increase this damage by adding the ACID II essence up to five times. Each essence increases the damage by 1d6.

Alchemical Bliss

Elixir Ingestible

Ingredients: CALM

Risk DC: 15

Recommended Tier: 5


Alchemical Bliss removes one level of exhaustion and grants advantage on Perception checks for 8 hours. This also applies to the Forage ability.

Berserker's Blood

Potion Ingestible

Ingredients: INVIGORATE + Dragonroot

Risk DC: 16

Recommended Tier: 3


Berserker’s Blood is a dark red potion that when consumed causes the drinker to enter a state of rage, enlarging their muscles and adding a slight red hue to the blood in their veins. While enraged you deal an extra 1d6 damage of the appropriate type when making melee weapon attacks. However, the berserk potion causes you to have disadvantage to Perception checks while under its effect. These effects last for up to 1 minute. If multiple doses of Berserker’s Blood are consumed in 1 hour, the consumer takes 3d10 + 3 poison damage, due to the overflow of toxin in their system.


Elixir Ingestible

Ingredients: CLEANSE + 1x Alcohol

Risk DC: 12

Recommended Tier: 5


Bloodflush removes all diseases or poisons that affect the target. If ingested in combat the target gets to make three saving throws against a poisoned condition as free actions instead.

Bomb I

Bomb Throwable

Ingredients: INCINDIARY

Risk DC: 8

Recommended Tier: 2


Bomb I can be thrown at a target using your ranged attack bonus. It deals 3d4+INT force damage on hit. On a miss the target takes half damage. Alternatively it can be thrown on the ground. When targeting the ground the throw automatically succeeds. After impact all creatures in a 5-ft. radius must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Chemist Save DC or take 1d4+INT force damage. On a success the target takes half damage.

Bomb II

Bomb Throwable

Ingredients: 2x INCINDIARY + ACID I

Risk DC: 11

Recommended Tier: 4


Bomb II can be thrown at a target using your ranged Attack Bonus. It deals 3d6+INT force damage on hit. On a miss the target takes half damage. Alternatively it can be thrown on the ground. When targeting the ground the throw automatically succeeds. After impact all creatures in a 5-ft. radius must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Chemist Save DC or take 1d8+INT force damage. On a success the target takes half damage.

Bomb III

Bomb Throwable

Ingredients: 2x INCINDIARY + ACID II

Risk DC: 14

Recommended Tier: 6


Bomb III can be thrown at a target using your Ranged Attack Bonus. It deals 3d8+INT force damage on hit. On a miss the target takes half damage. Alternatively it can be thrown on the ground. When targeting the ground the throw automatically succeeds. After impact all creatures in a 5-ft. radius must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Chemist Save DC or take 1d12+INT force damage. On a success the target takes half damage.

Cream of Imperviousness

Elixir Applicable


Risk DC: 11

Recommended Tier: 7


A cream that provides protection from physical damage, but does not come in large doses. The Cream of Imperviousness is a thick, white gel that can be rubbed on skin or items, granting it a glowing sheen. Affected areas become immune to slashing and piercing damage, as well as bludgeoning resistance for 2 hours. However, liquids can cause the cream to wash off, degrading to slashing and piercing resistance on first exposure, then wearing off completely. The Cream also only comes in fairly small portions, only enough to cover a palm-sized area on a creature’s body. The effect lasts for a maximum duration of eight hours. Although sweet in taste, eating the Cream of Imperviousness is not advised. If you do so, make a constitution saving throw (DC 16) to not be affected. On a fail you experience constipation for 3 days and cannot eat solid food or suffer the concequences.

Dancer's Delight

Potion Ingestible

Ingredients: INSPIRE + 1x Alcohol + 1x Rose Petal

Risk DC: 4

Recommended Tier: 1


This is a shimmering, clear potion that smells of roses. Upon consumption, you become incredibly light-hearted and happy and have an extremely strong urge to shake your limbs and let loose. How that looks like is up to you. The effects of Dancers Delight last for up to 1 hour or until you take damage.

Demon’s Drug

Potion Ingestible

Ingredients: INVIGORATE + 1x Vinegar + 1x Trollflower

Risk DC: 16

Recommended Tier: 8


This potion has a deep crimson color. If you stare into the liquid for long enough, the thick swirls seem to be moving towards you as if moving with malevolent intention. Upon consumption, you are filled with incredible power. Your strength score increases by 2 to a maximum of 20 for one hour. Also you have disadvantage on Charisma checks against you that involve provocation.

Djeffa's Vapor I

Bomb Throwable

Ingredients: CALM + HEALING I

Risk DC: 4

Recommended Tier: 1


Djeffa's Vapor can be thrown as an improvised weapon. After impact all creatures in a 10-ft. radius gain an amount of temp HP equal to 1d4+INT temporary hp.

Djeffa's Vapor II

Bomb Throwable

Ingredients: CALM + HEALING II

Risk DC: 7

Recommended Tier: 2


Djeffa's Vapor can be thrown as an improvised weapon. After impact all creatures in a 10-ft. radius gain an amount of temp HP equal to 2d4+INT temporary hp.

Djeffa's Vapor III

Bomb Throwable

Ingredients: CALM + HEALING III

Risk DC: 9

Recommended Tier: 3

Effect: Djeffa's Vapor can be thrown as an improvised weapon. After impact all creatures in a 10-ft. radius gain an amount of temp HP equal to 1d4+INT temporary hp. Increase this amount by 3d4 when using HEALING II and 2d4 when using HEALING III.

Eagle's Eyes

Potion Ingestible

Ingredients: INSPIRE + 1x Goblinberry

Risk DC: 5

Recommended Tier: 3


This potion allows the creature who drinks it to glance into the distance and see things as clearly as if the distance between the object and that creature was only half as far. Also, when shooting at long range you no longer shoot with disadvantage. The effect lasts for 1 hour.

Elixir of Darkvision

Elixir Ingestible

Ingredients: INSPIRE + CHILL I

Risk DC: 7

Recommended Tier: 3


This elixir grants it the ability to see in the dark for 2 hours. For the duration, that creature has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. This elixir can be used two times upon consumption.

Everfrost Ale

Other (Ale) Ingestible, Applicable

Ingredients: CHILL I + 1x Beer

Risk DC: 16

Recommended Tier: 4


This light brown ale is always cold and once it loses its low temperature it also loses its effect. This might happen within 10 minutes in a place with room temperature. When drunk as an action, the user must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 cold damage. After drinking this potion, you must use an action within the next minute to exhale cold breath within a 15-foot cone in front of you. The target must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, taking 2d6 cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The effect ends after you exhale the cold breath two times. If you do not exhale two times within this minute make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take 2d6 cold damage.

You may also pour this beer on the ground creating a slippery surface on one 5-ft. square. This square is now difficult terrain. A medium sized creature that is unaware of the ice surface and enters this field immediately falls prone and forgoes its remaining movement action. The ice remains for 10 minutes or can be molten by inducing heat.

Eyes of Arcana

Elixir Ingestible

Ingredients: INSPIRE + CLEANSE

Risk DC: 20

Recommended Tier: 8


For 1 hour you can sense the presence of magic or technomancy within 30ft. of you. A strange aura is emitted by magical sources or illusions, only visible to you.

Featherweight Tonic

Elixir Ingestible

Ingredients: SOFTENER + CALM

Risk DC: 10

Recommended Tier: 1


This elixir reduces the weight of the creature that drinks it by half for one minute.

Fiendishly Friendly Face

Potion Ingestible

Ingredients: INSPIRE + Wine

Risk DC: 8

Recommended Tier: 3


This potion gives you advantage on Charisma checks for 1d4 hours as long as these checks are not of an aggressive nature, such as Intimidation checks.

Ghillie’s Gills

Potion Ingestible

Ingredients: INSPIRE + SOFTENER + 1x Swampweed

Risk DC: 12

Recommended Tier: 5


This turquoise liquid smells of the sea. Upon consumption, you are able to hold you breath underwater for 5 minutes for the duration of an hour. You gain +2 on Athletic (Strength) checks when underwater. This potion can be used up to two times.

Health I

Potion Ingestible

Ingredients: HEALING I

Risk DC: 5

Recommended Tier: 1


Health I may be drunk or administered. This potion heals for 1d4+INT.

Health II

Potion Ingestible

Ingredients: 3x HEALING I / HEALING II

Risk DC: 7

Recommended Tier: 2


Health II may be drunk or administered. This potion heals for 2d4+1+INT.

Health III

Potion Ingestible

Ingredients: 3x HEALING II or HEALING III

Risk DC: 8

Recommended Tier: 3


Health III may be drunk or administered. This potion heals for 4d4+2+INT.

Hunter's Rest

Elixir Ingestible

Ingredients: QUICKEN + 1x Alcohol

Risk DC: 11

Recommended Tier: 5


Hunter's Rest removes one level of exhaustion and grants a speed bonus of 5 ft. for 10 minutes.

Liquid Lust

Elixir Ingestible

Ingredients: INSPIRE + CALM + 1x Alcohol

Risk DC: 20

Recommended Tier: 6


This purple liquid smells of chocolate and wine but tastes like old blue cheese and moldy soil. If a creature consumes Liquid Lust, it immediately falls in love with the first living creature it sees. If the target does not see anybody for one minute (or cannot see at all) it will fall in love with the first creature they hear. This means the following: As well as trying to stay close at all times the target will do anything to please their object of desire, including self-harm to some degree. Their lover gains advantage on attack rolls against the charmed creature. If their lover attacks the target, the effects of the potion stop after the attack was made or after one hour has passed.

Sven Snotnose’s Powder

Other (Powder) Ingestible

Ingredients: QUICKEN + INVIGORATE + 1x Very Strange Mushroom + One drop of the Chemist's blood

Risk DC: 25

Recommended Tier: 10


This white powder has extraordinary powers. Once consumed, you feel empowered, motivated and strong. You’re on top of the WORLD!!! Your speed is doubled, you gain +2 bonus to your AC and 2 additional actions each turn. These effects last one minute. However, there is a downside: If a character other than the Chemist ingests Speedo's Powder, the Chemist immediately gains one level of exhaustion. After the effect ends, the creature affected falls unconscious and remains so for 10 minutes. The creature can be woken up by another person or by taking damage. However, if you are woken up before the 10 minutes are over, you gain one level of exhaustion.

Tonic of Nourishment

Elixir Ingestible

Ingredients: HEALING I + 1x fruit/berry

Risk DC: 5

Recommended Tier: 1


When a creature drinks this tonic, they are nourished sufficiently for the day. They do not need to eat again this day to sustain their body. Also, they get healed by 4 HP.

Toxic Concoction I

Elixir Applicable to Weapon, Ingestible

Ingredients: 2x POISON

Risk DC: 9

Recommended Tier: 3


Toxic Concoction may be drunk, administered or applied to a weapon or a single piece of ammunition. If a weapon is treated with the poison and hits a creature that creature gains the poisoned condition for one minute and the weapon loses it's potential to poison. While under the poisoned condition the creature can make a Constitution Saving Throw at the start of it's turn against your Chemist Save DC to end this condition on success. If the creature fails, it takes 1d4+INT poison damage. The Toxic Concoction may be improved when choosing the School of the Venomist.

*Potion Name* with a hint of ________

Potion Special, Ingestible

Ingredients: 1x Potion + 1x Crownstalk + 1x Goblinberry OR 1x Dragonroot OR 1x Ruler's Blade

Risk DC: 15

Recommended Tier: 6


You may add these ingredients to any ingestible potion. Change the potions name to: 'Potions name' with a hint of Goblinberry/Dragonroot/Ruler's Blade. This potion now has enhanced effects: When using Goblinberry the potion increases Dexterity by 1 for one hour. When using Dragonroot the potion increases Strength by 1 for one hour. When using Ruler's Blade the potion grants Temporary Hit Points equal to 1d4 x your Alchemist's level for one hour. You may add this feature to any potion up to 4 times to increase it's effect. Then the potions name changes to: 'Potions name' with a strong/intense/basically not just a hint of Goblinberry/Dragonroot/Ruler's Blade. You may not mix different effects.


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