Irene the Goddess of Magic Character in Elethia | World Anvil
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Irene the Goddess of Magic

The Goddess of Magic, who is said to bring the miracles of magic to the world. There are many theories on where magic comes from and what magic really is; it is something wizards and scholars have argued over since the beginning of recorded time. One thing, thought, is for sure: Irene is a manifestation of magic. She is the very representation of magic and many follow her simply because of the powers she can grant.   The followers of Irene claim that she is the condensation of energy, and a single drop of her blood has the power to grant wishes.   While no mortals know where magic really comes from, Irene is very much involved with the true process of what magic really is. She watches over The Soul Cycle and spreads the magical energies that come out of it evenly across the world to prevent catastrophic events to occur because of the condensed magical energy.  

Divine Domains

Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral
Currently Held Titles
Dark Purple
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Other Affiliations

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