Jack Edwards Character in Elethia | World Anvil
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Jack Edwards

A veteran member of The Order of The First Dawn. He often travels alone between smaller villages to heal the wounded and treat the diseased.   Many find him to be one of the more intimidating members of the order due to his strict appearance and harsh words. He often struggles with not sounding like an asshole, but he has the best intentions. He is the kind of unsolicited advice and while he is pure at heart, very few believe that.   Within the Order, he is famous for the many self sacrificing events he has been part of. His body is covered in scars from times he has protected the innocent and he has many times been on the brink of death fighting for the ideals of him and his god.
Year of Birth
475 48 Years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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