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Tars Falcons

In English as an entry for the summer camp. Most other documents in this setting are in German.   Tars Falcon are a super natural species, deeply tied with Tar the god of strategy and secrets.

Basic Information


They are birds of pray, which are about 30 cm - 35 cm big and with a wingspan of 70 - 80 cm. They normally have gray or brown feathers and a orange beak, but they are capable to change those colors if necessary.

Ernährung und Gewohnheiten

They are birds of pray and hunt smaller animals. They like cliffs, woods and old towers to hide their nest, but some also build it in shrubs or even underground.


They are always curious, like shiny stuff and try to learn as much about the world around them as they can.   Their hunting strategies are very diverse. Some examples are
  • dropping on unsuspecting pray
  • poison
  • traps
  • forcing the pray to leave its secure burrows by flooding it
but are not limited to this list. They tend to try to come up with new tactics as often as possible and resort to already performed tricks only in case of severe food shortage.   They tend to make elaborate plans to get shiny stuff for sapients, which they will then hide in their nests. It seems, that they also like to prank the people they take the shinies from, but they are not interessted in dealing lasting harm to sapients.   Tar falcons are capable of speech and can in some cases be persuaded to return stolen goods or help with scouting or coming up with strategies. In exchange they rarely want shiny objects directly, but favors they can use in their schemes.

Additional Information

Wahrnehmung und sensorische Fähigkeiten

They have extremly good eyes and ears. They can see a mouse a kilometer away and can understand a person whispering at the same distance.


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Aug 7, 2023 12:32 by Marc Zipper

I love these birds especially how they're going to get their food is by flooding them out of their home. Also the fact that they will help you out for a deal that will most likely end up in you doing some kind of mischievous work this is a fun article to read

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