Aldvari, the Keepers of Knowledge

From every corner of Ellium, lay ruins of an empire jealousy kept in the horde of the Nepenthe. These are the ruins guarded by the only race of people that are able to.    The Aldvari.   This people are one proud of their familes and clans, but humble in self. Profoundly building their culture of nomadic and wandering people upon the foundations of honor, knowledge, wisdom. Men and women who serve the land of Ellium even to their detriment.    They are the warriors against the Maratheth and its most ancient of Marathkar, with magics far surpassing that of the other races. They alone are the ones able to build walls of stone and metal to keep the Nepenthian Ruins from the eyes of those the Nepenthe would kill.    Theirs are the acts that are sung about, begrudgingly, in the annuals of the post-Nepenthe histories most frequent. Tales of battles with Marathkar Eldarians bringing destruction on kingdoms. Stories of hordes of Marathkar slew by the blades and magics of the Aldvari. Great natural disasters averted at the cost of people of the Aldvari.   Theirs is the blood that flows through the royalty of the Remedii line. Theirs is the body that is broken against the wave of the Maratheth.   Yet still, the Aldvari are the dispised of Ellium, the unhomed, the wandering race.


Shared customary codes and values

History is to be guarded, against the corruption of the Nepenthe   Family is to be protected, no matter the cost   Respect is given, and lost by action and spirit   Honor is hardfought, and to be defended by clan and kin

Common Myths and Legends

The Chosen Lady of Twilight, Nesheph
Scholar Haedolin:   Mine is a opinion that is skewed in favor of my Honorable hosts. For three name-days I have lived among them, blessed to have earned and fought my way into eating at their table. One of my greatest honors has been the acceptance of the the elders on my second name-day, finding me worthy of their Runes of Knowledge, their Ala'drun.   Through their Ala'drun the curtain of Nepenthe has been moved just a breath, and it is a blessing and a curse unlike any other. One I would wonder never and can never wish upon my worst of enemies.   The very notion that through the Aldvari runes, I possess knowledge and history that should even a sentence of it escape my lips, or ink find home to paper, that I would strike down others wih the very concept.   These fine men and women safeguard the most dangerous of dangerous weapons: Knowledge.   For that thankless task that they have carried for nearly 3000 generations, I have my utmost respect and honor.