Nepenthe, the Great Forgetting

The Great Forgetting. The Great and Terrible Amnesia. The Erasure of Histories and peoples.   Nepenthe.   Every inch of land, every mind of every man, woman and child. Eldarian, Mer, Man, none are spared its' terrible reach.    The keeper of all knowledge older than the 700 years we are preevy to by the grace of whatever divine or deity there may be. The force of nature that should any curious mind happen upon a history from its' domain, or a idea or thought from before, strikes down the mind with madness or death.    Yet, there are those in the aristocracy, amongst the royalty as well, that hold to the belief that the Aldvari know the reason and truth behind the Nepenthe. For their minds alone may gleam the past with sanity remaining, ancient magics accessible to them alone.   Smaller but even still there are those that believe that the Aldvari are the reason for the Nepenthe, a reason that drove the deep and bitter between the Aldvari and Genmara.
Scholar Haedolin:     The Great Nepenthe is undoubtedly one of the driving forces behind the unrest in our land of Ellium. Wars and crusades fought from histories imagined and schemed, coups attempted over the belief that Royalty holds the memories hostage.   Conflict between the Genmara and Aldvari has been long run, likely before even the Great Nepenthe took place. The absolute fright and death the Nepenthe would have caused the early afflicted no doubt spurred the decision by either the Genmara or Aldvari to view the other in a place of hatred; in fact, it would seem that the whole of the other races would find comaraderie in their agreed hatred for the Aldvari.   Perhaps its the Aldvari's exotic and foreign appearance, their seeming indomitable will and magic, or their ability to persist even when the whole of Ellium had been rallied against them in centuries past.   Or perhaps there lies a deeper older reason, hidden just behind the curtain of the Nepenthe.