
Not much is known about the inner workings of this religious sect, but all public knowledge will be laid out.   Paedogira is a order of men and woman, claiming to have chapters in every major kingdom and organization, having appeared the year of Prince Eros' birth.    With their officers, all but their mouths covered by stark white masks, the eyes of the masks fashioned into mirthful slits, they spread their leader's prophetic dream and belief through brillant blue teeth.   Through our children, our power to save and unite the realms is gained.    At their words, they have convinced many a family, both destitute and rich, to entrust a child or two unto the sect. In turn, whole villages have been blessed by this sect; seasons of preserved meals, repair or even errection of defensive walls, commulitive wealth to the village or families.    In the eyes, and words, of many citizens in the kingdom of Remedan find great joy at the help and blessing of the sect, many pledging to help the group in the goal and mission. It would seem however, that their plan and steps to save and unite the realm are known only to their grand leader.   And they are not telling.
Scholar Haedolin:   My musings will be heavily speculative and personally opinioned.   The 'Order of Paedogira', is nothing more than a cult. Before my time with my Aldvari hosts, I had spent several years hunting for inner knowledge of this child-obsessed cult.   From my delving and latenight hunting, I discovered a frightening truth.   After one of this cult's "Sheperding', what they call gathering the children 'entrusted' to them, I had been too late to follow after them immediately. The following day, the group returned with the group leader, not a child in sight.   The group had with them a new member. Before the Sheperding he had been seen with normal eyes and teeth; after, he had brilliant blue whites of his eye, and brillant blue teeth.   Not one of those children were seen again. To this day I am plagued with the fear for those poor children, and the overwhelming guilt that I could have done more.   Deity damn the Paedogira
Religious, Sect