Valtharan, the Great Torrent

A region of great fear and destruction since before the Great Nepenthe. Located in kingdom of Eleutheria, Valtharan stands as a icon of magical and natural destruction combined. From the Firmament, the magical layer of the world once whole but having cracked long ago, Valtharan rushes down with its' insurmountable leagues of fluid, water-like but not all at once. Beneath the great fall of Valtharan stays its' basin to catch and dispurse the deluge, ancient magic keeping its' boundaries and unexporable tunnels directing the fluid to parts unknown.   In the records of the Racion, which hold fast against the great amnesia of Ellium, Valtharan has been a means of travel for the most ancient and fiendish of Cadavers that are through from its' torrent from the realm of the Firmament.   By musing of Scholars and Royals alike, the thought that for Cadaver's to be thrown from the realm above, there need be the living to become Cadaver.    Though, in the time since the birth of the Cursed and Forsakeable Least Prince, Valtharan has seemed to fall with even greater and more fierce force, with cracks running more frequent from the great opening.
Scholar Haedolin:   There have been many, many expeditions of Mer, Man, and Wyvern to breach into the realm of the Firmament.    Efforts of the Mer to ascend into the realm above by way of the torrent itself have been staggered to say the least, the last one having been record only a ten-year after the Great Nepenthe. In the 690 years since then, the Mer have been quick to dissuade their people against being dissolved in the deep waters of Valtharan.   The spirit of Man have been longer to break, as every half century it would seem some strongwilled Magic user has sought the fame of ascending the Flowing Pillar. The raining Cadavers have changed the minds of many, and the devoured the bodies of those they didn't.   The foolhardly and dense brains of the Wvyerns have been the most determined to die, as not a ten-year has gone by where dozens of reports of handfuls of Wyverns have meet their deaths at Cadavers, Deluge, or shards of Firmament obliterating their bodies. Then again, these are the race who routinely find death trying to soar over the Great Fortresswall.