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The Nation of Inzali encompasses the southern mass and tip of Tema. The land can be harsh and unforgiving, but the people are bright, warm, and strong. Inzali's strength comes from the people, and the people's overall sentiment could be succinctly described in the statement, "Everything I do is for the good of myself." While it seems selfish to an outsider, a real citizen knows and understands that in the harsh jungle or mountains, it is dangerous to trek alone, but even more dangerous to stay behind for an ill prepared ally. The shared goal of prosperity and survival unite the people, but the realities of the harsh landscape frequently remind people that it really is everyone for themselves out there.   While Inzali technically has bent to the will of The Alliance, and thus is lead by a Theocracy, their particular blend of Theocracy looks a lot more similar to a Stratocracy. Instead of Priests like Davian, or Mystics in Vesper, Inzali's leaders bear the title of Warrior, being a Shield Warrior is a calling, and joining The Divine Shield is something that people start working towards at a young age. Any person can train to join The Divine Shield, but only those who complete their journey to Eir Springs are allowed membership. These members are officially titled Shield Warriors, and are given their Token, giving them Inzali's form of blessing to practice and wield magical abilities. Other citizens in Inzali are permitted to practice magic, but those who are caught using their magical abilities in ways that disturb the peace, or the balance of life and death, run the risk of having their abilities bound through means only certain members of The Divine Shield know how to do, and the same are also the only people who know how to reverse it.   Inzali's military state has a strong focus on maintaining the balance of life and death, and worshiping the Gods of life and death. In general the attitude of Inzali's people is that magic is to be wielded only when there is no other option, that it is a precious gift to be used sparingly. While most citizens do not fear it, they certainly don't look kindly on those who flash it around. Those who do not wish to anger the Gods, or risk their ire, practice carefully and respectfully, and only use the magic they possess when it is necessary.


Inzali is brutal. The western coastline for a large portion of Inzali is lined by a harsh hot ocean that will not quench ones thirst. That thirst is often punishing due to the mountians and desert sands that were likely crossed to reach it. The Kilokilo mountians drive in from the coastline sperating a section of land that has gone completely dry that streches to the Chunma Ocean. In the very mountian range itself is The Sapphire, the longest running river in Tema, it runs from the top of the Kilokilo mountians, down Diamond Falls, and cuts it's way down most of the length of the country.   If one considered the west coast and everything west of the Kilokilo to be the hard part, they may be mistaken. East of the mountians is thick jungle full of life that is constantly changing, moving and creeping. Occasionally the ground will swell with run off waters from The Sapphire greating sink holes and sometimes carving out sudden large caverns that occasionally flood. While these tropical forests are beautiful, traveling off the well established roads can be exeedingly dangerous for the casual jounrey.   The east coast of Inzali is practically lined with beautiful beaches and port cities where trade ships come and go both around the southern tip of the continent but also to the northern country of Vesper to trade goods and move people.

Localized Phenomena

The Kilokilo mountians have been known to house a few volcanos, and while nothing close to anything organized has ever been destroyed as a result of an eruption, they are a hazard one may face attempting to cross. As one climbs the mountains and finally reaches altitues where they are finally getting respite from the staggering balmy heat they may enounter hot springs and strange natural gasses.   The western desert lands between the Kilokilos and the coast are often refered to as "The Trials" or "Sands of Judgement" and is prone to sandstorms and hot punishing winds.   In the last 6 weeks of Nova the mid section of Inzali is quite prone to large monsoon type storms that rage on for days.


It doesn't snow in Inzali, while during the most cold points of Warrin it may feel brisk in the highest mountian peeks and the most northern tips of the Nation, it doesn't truly get frozen or see snow. On a rare occasion one might get a few days of near freezing temperatures. It only gets warmer from there. Most of the country expierences plesant springs, devestating summers into autumn, and a repireve as winter approaches. The overgrowth of the jungles does make them cooler than the beach lined coast of the east, but for what it lacks in heat it makes up for in humidity.

Natural Resources

The Kilokilo mountains are the greatest provider for Inzali, it's full of precious gemstones. Many merchants and companies make their money by sending troops to mine in the mountians. The jungles that surround the mountain and The Sapphire also produce rare hides, exotic pets, and is the origin for many rare and sought oils and extracts. The sands on the western coast are rich and thick with salt deposits that are used in many ways and fisherman off the east coast provide all manner of fish.


Inzali is harsh, and not in the same way that other areas of the continent are, but in it's own unique way. It's punishing for those who are ill prepared to make the trek, it's dangerous to leave the well known paths. It's history is a brutal one, and for as long as people remember, the peoples of Inzali have had to be strong, tough, and resilent. Out of this came the warriors. In the time before The Alliance Inzali was a formiddable enemy. While it was not organized the peoples wove toegether to stand against groups trying to gain access to their resources. During the last 10 years before The Alliance of Tema was signed by all three nations the peoples of Inzali had started to grow organized, they developed a robust messenger network, and had the strongest military Tema has ever seen.   Some will say that the Gods intervened, and it was their grace that Davian won the final battle, some will say that the warriors from Inzali simply got tired of fighting, and decided to take a break. No matter the truth The Alliance was signed and Inzali was the last nation to join and brought strict conditions. They maintained their traditions of leadership through physical strength, and in exchange for the strong trade agreements and training Davian's own The Holy Guardians of Davian they secured that Davian would never have access to the coast, and must always remain land locked for the safety of Inzali and Vesper.


Inzali is a destination, it's cities are rich and bright with trade and merchants, it's port cities are fine and beautiful places with villas scattered across the coastlines. People from all over travel to trade and see the riches themselves. They also venture and test themselves in the jungles and the Kilokilo Mountains.
Included Organizations
Ruling/Owning Rank
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