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The Holy Guardians of Davian


The Holy Guardians of Davian are first divided into two seperate branches, titled The Home Guardians and the The Heart Guardians. Each structure works in tandem when necessary and units can be moved between the two seperate branches, but unique training is given to both. Leadership over The Home Guardians is still technically under The Holy Knight Guardian, but individual Fraternities of Holy Guardians answer to leadership over the Districts and Cities they are assinged to unless extreme circumstances create the need for the Holy Knight Guardian to get involved. The Heart Guardians are more directly overseen by The Holy Knight Guardian, and are the standing forces that are called to protect Davian in times of War. Many members of The Heart Guardians take rotations roaming thorugh the countryside to keep the peace between cities, monitor small villages without offical Temples, and take frequent trainings at outposts throughout Davian.  

The Home Guardians

The Home Guardians are organized in Fraternities that are named after the highest ranking Officer in that Fraternity. As an example, a Fraternity may be called, "The Fraternity of Owens" or "Owen's Fraternity" and Fraternities grow in size often depending on the needs of the area the Fraternity is assinged to. Fraternities are typically assigned to individual cities, though extremely small villages may be just patrolled by roaming Heart Guardians. Each Fraternity may have a different amount of members based on need, but the ranks are always the same, Disciple, Guardian, High Guardian, General, and Fraternity Leader.  


A Disciple is not often seen outside of training centers and small cities where they are tested and brought up. They are a new recruit, often young but sometimes not, and have yet to take their Oath of Devotion to The Holy Guardians. They typically act as a Disciple for a year before getting their golden bracers, the most basic mark of a member of the Holy Guardians.  


A Guardian is an established member of The Holy Guardians and the most frequently spotted guard around city or village. They wear golden bracers and have taken their Oath of Devotion to The Holy Knight Guardian of Davian and Holy Gifted High Priest of Davian.  

High Guardian

Depending on the size of a city or development a High Guardian acts as a second to a General, or may be one of several "seconds" to a general and oversee a group of Guardians and Disciples. High Guardians are more rare, and typically only found in bigger settlements. The mark of a High Guardian is their golden bracers, and golden crown pinned to their left shoulder.  


There may be just one General in a settlement, there may be several that oversea different sections of a large city. Generals are marked by their Golden Bracers, the golden crown pinned to their left shoulder, and wear golden band around their left arms under their crown pin.  

Fraternity Leader

To become a Fraternity Leader is a great honor, and they are chosen carefully after many reccomndations of both fellow Fraternity Leaders, Generals, and Preists. A Fraternity leader oversees an entire settlement, the larger the settlement, the more honor, the more people in their Fraternity. They are haroled as leaders of exclusive brotherhoods. A Fraternity Leader has all the trappings of a general, but also wears a gold band across their brow.  

The Heart Guardians

The more strategic branch of the Holy Guardians, these people are more trained in tactical manuvering, and make frequent rounds through the landscape of Davian to be familiar with the area in order to safeguard The Heart of Tema. This branch answers most directly to The Holy Knight Guardian who answers only to the Holy Gifted High Priest of Davian. The rankings are as follows, Novice, Adept, Doyen, Superior, Master, and Blessed Master.  


Novices are still in training, often kept in training camps. Once they have spent a year in training camps they may be sent on small missions with adepts until they have proven themselves smart and strong enough to take the their Oath of Devotion.  


An Adept has taken the Oath of Devotion, and Adepts make up the bulk of the Holy Guardians. An adept wears the golden bracers marking him as a member of The holy Guardians of Davian, but different from their counterparts that dwell in cities they also wear a heart and crown crest on their chest.  


A Doyen is a tired and proven Adept, one who has proven themselves strong enough to lead a group of at least 50. A Doyen may be assigned areas of land to patrol and oversee. A Doyen is marked by a red arm band across their left bicep that they wear along with the heart and crown crest on their chest.  

Den Father

While a Doyen may lead groups and be assigned areas of land, each Doyen is stationed out of a base, and the leaders who control those bases are called Den Fathers. A Den Father operates each military base, and answers directly to The Holy Knight Guardian. A Den Father wears a golden crown of leaves across his brow, the red arm band earned by a Doyen, and the heart and crown crest on their chest. A Den Father only answers to The Holy Knight Guardian, and if that role were to fall, then directly to The Holy Gifted High Priest.


It is a badge of honor to join the Guardians, and those who are accepted into the higher rankings are meant to carry their titles with respect, and show respect to the Gods. It is the Gods above all else afterall. The culture of the Guardians does vary city to city, territory to territory.

Public Agenda

The duty of the Guardians is to protect the people of Davian, and to honor the Gods they worship. Their first duty is to the Gods, their second to the Priesthood, the Third to the people.

To protect and serve at the behest of the Gods.

Military Order
Alternative Names
The Guards, Holy Guards
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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