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The Twilight Healer Riko (a.k.a. Twinkles)

Riko,a tiefling from the mountains in Vesper, is considered the party leader of The Tireless Hopeless Unrelenting Guardians due to her sweet nature that often leads people into trusting her quickly. She is sweet, empathetic, and has a fondness for children. A gifted Cleric under her goddess. In the rare instances that Riko is unable to sway people to listening to her, the rest of her party takes over and makes sure she is able to maintain her reputation.

Physical Description

Body Features

Two white horns that come out of top of her forehead and reach back towards the back of her skull. She also has a long white tail tipped in a tuft of white hair.

Facial Features

Riko's eyes are white, almost silver, and they shine like starlight.

Identifying Characteristics

Riko's horns, tail, pale white skin, and white/grey hair are all very striking.

Apparel & Accessories

Riko prefers to wear the Blues of the Temple of Sirona, and bares a sheild with Sirona's eyes.

Specialized Equipment

Riko possesses an amulet of Sirona, which allows her to practice magic in anywhere in the Realm of Ellon according to the laws by the Alliance of Tema.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Riko was born in the Moonglow Mountians and left at a Temple of Sirona about a 3 days travel from Glissguard. She was raised by the priestesses there to be a healer. Riko grew up learning to harness the powers of gifted to her by Sirona, and being able to tap into the powers of the stars and harness her strength from healing waters. As she reached adult hood the priestesses at the temple explained to her that she had opition, she could remain part of the Temple and essentially be a healer for hire, she could petition to join the The Priesthood of Davian and start learning through the official Priesthood and receieve all of their advantages and potentially become a great leader herself, or that she could leave, and find her own path. She chose the last option and set off on a journey to find herself.


Growing up in a Temple of Sirona meant that Riko is well versed in many types of healing magic, and is a well trained doctor as well as a cleric. She's also a trained midwife.

Mental Trauma

Riko has always wondered by her parents left her at the temple, but has mostly made peace with the idea that not everyone who is given a child is ready for the strength it takes to raise one.

Intellectual Characteristics

Riko's mask is one of calming strength. She's cool as a cucumber in battle. She'll hold the hands of weeping children and usher them to safety no matter her surroundings. She's empathetic as speaks with the wisdom of generations of lessons hard taught by the Priestesses of the temple she was raised in. Her public persona is one of sweetness, in a way to mask her own fears.

Morality & Philosophy

Riko believes in kindness above all else.

Personality Characteristics


Riko is motivated by empathy and curiosity. Her love for her companions drives her to stay by their sides, even when things look bleak.


Religious Views

Riko feels she was blessed by Sirona since arriving on the temple doorstep, and feels it is her duty to use her gifts as a healer as thank you for Sirona protecting her.

Social Aptitude

What Riko lacks in confidence she makes up for in sweetness. Her demeanor is sweet and her speech is calming and just the sound of her voice tends to lull people into feeling relaxed and trusting her. Some people say that when she speaks it sounds like a lulliby.


Some people say that when she speaks it sounds like a lullaby. She speaks softly and gently, and when she raises her voice it often catches people by surprise. She also tends to make herself small through keeping her hands folded in front of herself, and her posture held up tight and straight.
Chaotic Good
Circumstances of Birth
Born somewhere in the Moonglow Mountains and left at a temple as a baby, raised by young priestesses.
Long white and grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Goddess of Healing Waters, Sirona
Known Languages
Infernal, Common, Sylvan, and Celestial

Character Portrait image: by samy_drawsstuff