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Viclia Ulquin

Viclia Ulquin (a.k.a. Vic)

Viclia, a member of The Tireless Hopeless Unrelenting Guardians is also their most famous and infamous member. She's a half-elf from Davian and her well known history is whispered in the streets behind her. People either respect her or fear her.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lean muscle, slouchy posture.

Body Features

A large black scar that extends across the right side of her face and neck.

Facial Features

Lavendar eyes so pale they almost shine.

Identifying Characteristics

Her black scar and hair that is so dark is appears blue.

Physical quirks

Viclia couldn't stand up straight if her life depended on it. She is constantly slouching or leaning.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears a black cloak bearing the symbol of Death's Assassin.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Viclia's personal history is well known. Her mother and father were found slaughtered at the edge of the Shivering Glow in what appeared to be part of a ritual offering to a dark god, prehaps Shade. It was all over the news that a young human man and an elf were found in a rather grotesque setting and that their two children, Viclia and her little brother Perrion were found at home sleeping in their beds. Viclia raised her brother to adulthood working odd jobs in Toros and then left him at the family home on a quest to find her parents' killers. She eventually succeeded.


Viclia considers herself an equal opportunity lover.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Viclia and the THUGS were able to find a den of necromantic wizards practicing in secret, including ones that admitted to killing her parents. She bares a dark scar from a chill touch spell across her face from the encounter.

Failures & Embarrassments

Despite avenging her parents, Viclia's greatest failure is in that her brother Perrion seems to be a no good lazy good-for-nothing.

Mental Trauma

Losing her parents left her truamatized, seeing their bodies at their sending haunts her to this day.

Intellectual Characteristics

Viclia is calculating, and despite that, rash. She's three steps ahead until her emotions take over and then she's at the mercy of her friends holding her up. She keeps most people an arm's length away.

Morality & Philosophy

No one should evade death, including her.

Personality Characteristics


To wipe out all that use the dark arts to artifically extend their lives by sacrificing others.

Vices & Personality flaws

Viclia is known to enjoy a drink too many and a night with a stranger.


Social Aptitude

Viclia, being a little bit famous, and a little bit infamous is known to be pretty intimidating.


Viclia's eyes would roll out of her head if they weren't attached, she is constantly shrugging and slouching, and she loves to pick her nails with whatever sharp object she can get her fingers on.
Lawful Neutral
Long so black it shines blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale skin with pink undertones
Death's Assassin, Nesta
Known Languages
Common, Sylvan, and Elvish.

Character Portrait image: by BuckGunner


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