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The Barter Wars

The Barter Wars were a series of naval skirmishes between rival merchant companies Pinnacle Mercantile and Tempest Trading Company.

The Conflict


On the evening of September 19, 96 of the Fifth Age, The Nautilus, Pinnacle Mercantile's biggest trade vessel was delivering cargo from Iliam to Tinkerton when it was suddenly ambushed and sunk by a pair of galleons.

The only way we know of the perpetrators is because a sole member of the crew survived, Benjamin Pratchett. He was able to survive on a piece of driftwood following the Nautilus's destruction and get picked up by a surveying fishing vessel. Informing the fisherman of what had just transpired, they immediately set course to Iliam where Pratchett would deliver the news that their companies crown vessel had been ambushed and sunk. Upon hearing the news, the head's of Pinnacle were ready to do everything in their power to run Tempest Trading out of business and into the nearest brig.

Hearing the accusations, Tempest Trading vehemently denied the erroneous claim that it was their ships that sunk The Nautilus. By then, the damage was done and relationships were spiraling into near anarchy in Iliam. So much so that the Grand Admiral of Iliam (Thaddeus Harkin) had to temporarily suspend all cargo coming into town because of the turf war going on. Once that was done, it became an affair concerning the entire realm. The Grand Admiral reopened the ports sometime later once all combat left town; but that meant only one place for them to go: out into the seas.
The fairly new Ellorían Senate was faced with yet another difficult global situation to settle. Unfortunately, many of the powers that made up the Senate were not ready to sever their ties to the warring companies and that devolved into true powerlessness.


After the sinking of The Nautilus, Pinnacle mercantile was ready to fight back with full resistance to what was seemingly a minor turf war. It escalated into much more and before they knew it, other kingdoms were seeking stakes in the conflict- ideally with the intent of setting themselves up in the favor with the victor merchant company. Tat Shahar and N'goungué sought sides with Tempest Trading under the moniker the Concord of Reclamation. Krigsgaldr and the young city of Sheonyang took up arms for Pinnacle- who struck an agreement with them that they would provide aid financially to build up the kingdom and political support to finally give the city recognition and representation amongst the kingdoms of the realm. They collectively allied as the Pact of Preservation.
Sheonyang vessels departing from Jurreshar to rendezvous with Pinnacle Mercantile


The fighting was done exclusively along the entire south eastern coastal waters of Elloría. Seldom did battle take place on land, but ship combat did often transpire into boarding battles where sword fights occurred.
   A vessel from Sheonyang fighting a boat from N'goungué


A majority of the time, the ships sailed with some form of druidic magic or another. This was often used at sea to try and obtain an advantage through nature.

The Engagement


The war came to an official end with the agreement and signing of the Eternum Treaty and its three vows.

Eternum Treaty

  1. No violence between any trade companies will be tolerated in Iliam.

  2. If any violence occurs, the instigating company will no longer be able to operate in town.

  3. If any violence is framed towards one party, they will no long be able to operate in town.
        By the end, at least half a million people lost their lives.
Iliam never really skipped a beat in picking back up its place in the realms economy. The nations that partook in the fighting looking to gain favor were ultimately left out of whatever ultimate alliance they hoped to gain since the war essentially ended with no gain on either side.

With the ports of Iliam shut down, the realms transfer of goods stagnated. To try and avoid that stoppage to the realm, the Kova Vanguard pressured the kingdoms of the realm to help create another port kingdom. From this agreement, Antillia was created. In the time since then, they have affectively functioned as a satellite state of Illendíl and the Vanguard. 


The beginning of the Barter Wars also marked the start of the Age of Piracy. By then end of the Wars, those hired privateers soon found themselves without work and the absence of duty forced many into piracy. In the centuries since, the incessant pirate activity has deemed the south eastern Ellorían coastline as the Sea of Thieves.

Historical Significance


With this turf war beginning the Age of Piracy, many infamous figures took center stage. Most notably Roger Kumar of Tat Shahar who terrorized Pact of Preservation ships. Ironically nicknamed 'Jolly Roger', he painted his nose and eyes black to imitate a skull and his black flag sailed with skulls let enemy vessels know their time had come. This immediately became a symbol of piracy and terrified sailors to their core knowing there was no escape- besides the afterlife. Today, that Jolly Roger flag is still flown by many and unanimously known as a symbol of piracy.

Sheonyang provided ships and sailors to fight for many years and after some time, Pinnacle kept their promise and assisted in the nation getting representation amongst the Senate; albeit very minimal representation.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
September 19, 96, Fifth Age
Ending Date
May 6, 204, Fifth Age
Conflict Result
Eternum Treaty ended combat and no gains were made


Concord of Reclamation
Pact of Preservation


Ships: 1,271
Sailors: 562,600 - 716,800
Ships: 1,438
Sailors: 562,600 - 950,400


Ships: ~600
Sailors: 252,600 - 256,800
Ships: ~750
Sailors: 250,000 - 286,800


Reclaim headquarter dominance in Iliam and trade throughout the realm.
Maintain headquarter dominance in Iliam and trade throughout the realm.


  • Elloría
    Elloría is home to the many great kingdoms of the realm.
  • Iliam
    Iliam is the grand port city of Elloría.


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