
Spirits of the Sky

Dragons are a very ancient, intelligent species of mega-fauna reptile. Their size and slow rate of reproduction make them an uncommon sight in many areas. Uncommon but far from rare by any means.   It's long known that Dragons are the original species from which kobolds, harpies, and medusa have originated. Some scholars even believe that the current dragons are not even the original "draconic species" but are an offshoot themselves.   They are large, winged reptiles capable of flight. They have a tail that can be used as a weapon, but the primary function of the tail is to provide balance and act as a 'rudder' when in flight once they extend a smaller set of 'tail wings' that are a few feet from the tip end of their tail.   Dragon scales come in many different colors that range from red, blue, green, white to metallic shades of gold, silver, and bronze. Myths abound of the color of a dragon's scales indicates their ethnicity and therefore whether they are 'evil' or 'good'. This has been disproven by scholars many times of the generations. A dragon's scale color or pattern has nothing to do with their individual disposition.   A dragon's eyes are reptilian and range from yellow, green, blue, black or even red in color.   Young dragons tend to be the size of an adult human or elf. Adult dragons, however, are much larger coming in at 40 feet long from head to tail and stands 15 to 20 feet in height. Their wingspan ranges from 30 to 60 feet.
Genetic Descendants

Cover image: by CB Ash


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