Subcutaneous UnDemoning Serum

Creator will need certain tools:
  • Crucible, or small stove pot with Easy Pour Spout feature
  • Mincing Knife
  • Fine Measuring Utensil
  • Stirring Utensil, ideally Tempered Glass, although Glazed Pottery Wand is acceptable
  • Non-Porous Storage for Liquids that is not made of a Metal
  • Funnel
  • Kitchen Needle-Injector used for Marinade Insertion, with Needlepoint Cactus Quill rather than metal needle!
  • Quilted One Coal Heating Pad, or Hot Water Bottle
  • Tempting Container

History & Usage


Discovered by Miss Melinda Naknirore at Arjory Pond under contract to SNAFU Guild, who receive exclusive usage rights for 1 calendar year from 10 Grolm 578

Everyday use

For best results, inject under dermis in at least 4 spots, then apply slow steady warming until fully absorbed.




Per patient:

  • 2 tbsp finely chopped Wild Celery (Angelica archangelica) leaves *
  • 1 tbsp fresh ground cloves **
  • 7 juniper berries **
  • 1 head pickled ragweed blossom ***
  • 3 oz myrrh ****
Mix all dry ingredients, then add by the eighth teaspoon to warm myrrh while stirring constantly. Result should be a thick liquid bordering on a syrup in texture!
Inject small amounts into several spots near head/chest until plumped.
Apply gentle heat until fully absorbed.
Have substitute container prepared and closest to patient!
Results should develop within 5 minutes. (Either successful exorcism, or patient and demon joint demise.)


Loose demons will find their own replacement host!



Store in tightly sealed wineskin or jar at body temperature for up to 13 days.
Do not discard into fire or free-flowing water.
juniper and myrrh
cloves followed by juniper
medium yellow, almost opaque

* SNAFU Posse should be able to acquire nearly-ripe or recently ripe crop in fields at Braunvieh Farm, Limousin Farm, but not Tarntaise Farm. Important: NO SEEDS!
** SNAFU Posse should be able to acquire from seasoning shelf/cabinet in most farm kitchens unless proprietor packed up for emigration.
*** SNAFU Posse may have to hunt around a little for this so-called delicacy. Clem Tarntaise used to put it on his salads in summer, so check in the Tarntaise Barn rabbit hutch. Also Miss Roselli Amore had one big jar of pickled oddities at the Purgatory Saloon which included pickled ragweed, pickled caballo balls, pickled taro spears, pickled mesquite pods, and so on, all mixed together.
**** Good luck on this one! I cannot offhand suggest who might have kept liquified myrrh or myrrh-in-oil available as it tends to be an alchemist's concern. Maybe Ayrshire Farm but they are mighty unfriendly folk and poverty-beset besides.

Cover image: by CB Ash


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