Timeline of Elohey

  • Muzis 498 near the start of spring
    Saverio Bicchieri founds the Bicchieri Caravan

    More reading
    Bicchieri Caravan
  • 578

    12 Muzis

    temp - End Winter 578
    Geological / environmental event

    Temporary calendar event for season changes. Please delete.

    More reading
    Iron Library Calendar
  • 578

    13 Muzis

    temp - Begin Spring 578
    Geological / environmental event

    Temporary calendar event for season changes. Please delete.

    More reading
    Iron Library Calendar
  • 578

    1 Xerad

    22 Xerad

    Aquitaine Great Fair of 578
    Cultural event

    This year, an entire KaraKorum Orc tribe showed up one morning while the Fairgrounds were being set up north of Aquitaine's walls. In such a case, some sort of political negotiation will be happening between the leaders of that tribe and the heads of supposedly more "civilized" nations. Treaties will cover undisturbed travel rights across the nearby areas of the Warden Road, trade relations among smaller bands and the closest Freecities League town associated with Aquitaine, established caravans to be recognized as friendly parties, and systems for settling local disputes.


    This sort of political negotiation has happened every several Great Fairs since long before the Iron Throne was vacated. "International Politics" is all very important, yes of course, but the Great Fair negotiations are about practical matters.

    More reading
    Aquitaine Great Fair
  • 578

    11 Xerad

    temp - End Spring 578
    Geological / environmental event

    Temporary calendar event for season changes. Please delete.

    More reading
    Iron Library Calendar
  • 578

    12 Xerad

    temp - Begin Summer 578
    Geological / environmental event

    Temporary calendar event for season changes. Please delete.

    More reading
    Iron Library Calendar
  • 578

    12 Knaqod

    15 Knaqod

    Diplomatic action

    SNAFU Guild explores the city of Morodar for ways and means of seeing justice done to Magus Barhvell Tillon the Blue via the Wizard Court. And for helping the Demay sisters.   While we are here, we should check in with sponsor Gringlebrush Faegon.   And maybe pick up some additional clothes for future adventures.   And maybe even figure out this puzzle with the bits of crystal -- that might fit together into a short of hope chest shape?

    More reading
    Elohey: Restitution
    Additional timelines
  • 578

    15 Knaqod

    16 Knaqod

    Moral Turpitude
    Life, Supernatural

    The court in judgment of Magus Barhvell Tillon the Blue -- until recently of Quinlan's Rise -- has sentenced the SNAFU Guild to restore Tillon's three victims to unpetrified state if possible, so the court can determine their final sentence on Magus Tillon himself.   Meanwhile, the city of Morodar has an odd bird-transmitted disease or pestilence or something that city leaders are trying to get under control.

    More reading
    Moral Turpitude
    Additional timelines
  • 578

    17 Knaqod

    24 Knaqod

    Epilogue: Road to Justice Trilogy
    Life, Relocation

    The Road to Justice Trilogy ends with a trip south on the Warden Road from Morodar back to the Free City of Aquitaine.

    Additional timelines
  • Midsummer Day, 578
    Swallowtail Festival
    Cultural event
    More reading
    Swallowtail Festival
  • 578

    13 Vebel

    29 Vebel

    heavy off-season storm
    Geological / environmental event

    An out-of-season heavy rainstorm came to Aquitaine from the west, from out of sight across the Longgrass Plains. It filled the skies from west to east, from south to north ...   ... and then it stayed put.   For sixteen days.

    Additional timelines
  • 578

    11 Grolm

    temp - End Summer 578
    Geological / environmental event

    Temporary calendar event for season changes. Please delete.

    More reading
    Iron Library Calendar
  • 578

    12 Grolm

    temp - Begin Autumn 578
    Geological / environmental event

    Temporary calendar event for season changes. Please delete.

    More reading
    Iron Library Calendar
  • 578

    12 Jacall

    temp - End Autumn 578
    Geological / environmental event

    Temporary calendar event for season changes. Please delete.

    More reading
    Iron Library Calendar
  • 578

    13 Jacall

    temp - Begin Winter 578
    Geological / environmental event

    Temporary calendar event for season changes. Please delete.

    More reading
    Iron Library Calendar