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Breakwater Port


Dwarves: 611
Gnomes: 568
Half races: 375
Halflings: 568
Humans: 611
Other (aasimar, dragonborn, drow, wood elves): 283


At its inception the Port was considered an extension of Amersmere, and House Nightham kept a steady interest in its operations. However it became clear as time went on and the port began to grow that the noble house had no idea how to manage the quickly growing seaside city. The needs of Breakwater and the needs of Amersmere were very different, and a city council soon arose in Breakwater whose aim it was to more directly address the needs of the merchants and the port. After only a little more than a hundred years Amersmere officially lost control of Breakwater and it became its own independent entity run by its own five person council - a Harbourmaster, a representative of the Merchant's Guild, the Port Governor, an elected representative of the township and a chosen foreign merchant.

Industry & Trade

Seaside trade is the bread and butter of Breakwater. When winter ends the sea becomes less treacherous and trade ships come from lands across the sea and far down the coast. All manner of goods are brought; practical things like leathers and lumbar, and more exotic things like perfumes made with herbs found in places like Ahn'Quirat and silks from lands even further than that. Meadmakers and ale brewers travel to the port with their goods, typical fare to the people from the Homesteads, Vestan, Duskmaer and many such lands beyond but exotic treasures to brave travelers of the sea.


The upper level of the Port looks very much like any other town or city; townsfolk homes, shops, a couple of taverns, markets. The governor's house, a fairly prominent estate, overlooks the harbour on the south east end of the upper level, and the town barracks sit on the north east. The lower level is completely dedicated to the docks - storage buildings, bays for the repair or storage of ships, lodgings for dock workers, even a tavern popular both with the workers and the not-quite-savory travelers of the seas. The Harbourmaster's office sits in a building in the very middle of the dock area, a narrow but tall building easily visible from anywhere. Several berths stretch out into the ocean, and at its peak Breakwater can handle twenty-four trade ships at once.

Guilds and Factions

The Merchant's Guild is arguably the most predominant faction present in the Port, and holds significant sway over its operations. A small guild also exists to represent and protect the various dockworkers, and the Nightcrown keeps a few agents lurking in the Port.


The eastern edge of the coast are sheer cliffs from the Blade Peaks all the way down the coast with few places to beach. The Port's location was a unique stretch of the coast that was extended and terra-formed over time to turn it into the sprawling township that it has become today.
Large town
Location under

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