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The Northern Wilds


The Northern Wilds, much as the name implies, is a wild grasslands region that mostly has remained so ever since humans began settling it over four hundred years ago. It's a mostly flat region that is home to a variety of low and medium grasses and ground shrubs, herbs and small trees. Rivers snake through the landscape, fed by waters that come down from the Blade Peaks mountain range that caps the Wilds at its north eastern top. On its sharp eastern edge it's met by the ocean where Breakwater Port serves as one of the continent's trade hubs, though the waters tend to be more treacherous so far north. At its northwest, the Northern Reaches, a stretch of coniferous forest that is completely uninhabitable and avoided by all but the unwary or foolish. A series of ruins still stands two days' travel east of the Reaches, but no record survives that indicates as to whom had called it home. Towns eventually rose near the southern end as settlers came to the north and carved out lives and livelihoods, and is the closest thing to civilization in these parts with trade routes and roads connecting the frontier towns to each other and the city of Amersmere. The Great Escarpment lies in the south and is a natural border to the Wilds, marking the end of its domain.

Fauna & Flora

The Wilds are home to a variety of different native wildlife typical of an area like the Wilds. Herd animals such as bison, deer and elk wander the grasslands and are a popular game for hunters and rangers. Predators like coyotes and wolves also roam the wilds, the latter also sometimes a popular hunt due to their pelts. Other small creatures like badgers, jack rabbits, shrews, mice and the like also call the wilds home, and have large noted populations that sometimes makes them a nuisance for the farmers of the Homesteads. Different types of small birds also exist in plenty, raptors such as eagles and owls less so due to so few opportunities for nests (burrowing owls are the only exception) and are mostly seen near the Blade Peaks.   A number of varying plants grow in the wilds. Most are natural and native, some were introduced in some fashion and ran wild and some are downright mythological. Industrious folk learned to make use of these plants and over time their uses were discovered. Plants like basil and chamomile found use in cooking and teas, chamomile having the added benefit of being a sleep aid when drunk. Many proved to be valuable in the healing of wounds, bruises and varying health conditions. Some were and are troublesome to farmers, persistent plants that are prone to choke out crops but some found use as repellants against other pests. Those that are poisonous of course are avoided by all except the Uncrowned, the thieves' guild that operates from under Amersmere. More than once an individual has found a profitable venture in harvesting those plants in order to sell to the guild - provided they don't inadvertently poison themselves trying to distil the valuable ingredient in order to increase their profit.   Tales of rare plants such as Tyrant's Sword, Scholar's Dream, Laishaberries and Hands of Laretha grow somewhere out in the Wilds but searches for them over the past two hundred years seem to fail to turn them up.  Legends and scholarly writings speak of an especially rare plant called the Rose of Forgetfulness that is said to grow in few places in Elrune, the Wilds being one of those places.  But as of yet, no individuals or expeditions have ever managed to confirm this legend.

Natural Resources

The most valuable resource in the Wilds is its soil. Early settlers discovered very quickly that the rich soil was suitable for both farming and raising livestock. Aside from the wild plants and plentiful game, no other resource can be found.
Alternative Name(s)
The Wild North, The Desolate North

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