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Session 1: Dark Beginnings Report

General Summary

Story Introduction

  Everyone, welcome to Elsar. The year is 1266 AR, or after the Renewal. This continent and a handful of islands to the west comprise the entirety of the known world. Great rivers and winding mountain ranges split the harsh lands. Where once stood a mighty empire now four provinces lie. Nestled among the tall peaks and forested valleys of the Korum mountains of the east, the Vognat Continuum toils to rekindle their great dwarven civilization of old. To the north is an untamed land, where the old foes of ages past have thrived. The Ivanyiss Sentinels serve here as a wavebreak against a return to the Savage Times. To the south the Province of Ardenia, with its military might proud and strong in the light of the Divines, is a dark and dreary land where curses and evil spirits lurk just over the bend. Far to the west across the Shimmering Sea a smattering of independent islands under their own rule engage in trade but mostly look inward to their own needs and desires, choosing to remain disconnected with the remnants of the old empire.

However, this story begins in the province of Zalten which sits between them all. 13 centuries ago the reestablishment of the capital city of Hasdren sparked the Age of Renewal and the kingdom has since reclaimed its past holdings. Under the rule of the current king, Artig Ruslan a human in his 71st year, the people enjoy a quality of life like none have known in many lifetimes. Few restrictions and a system of local governance by councils and mayors gives way to freedom with few restrictions. Sitting along the shores of the Nubrani river and the well established Goldgrain Trade Route wealth and prosperity is available to all. The Faith enjoys a revered place throughout the continent, though through the completion of the Grand Temple the Zalten's claim they love the Divines the most of all. Meanwhile the commoners should rest content in the knowledge that their betters have the interests of the low folk in mind, at least they are told. Beneath all societies darkness and greed find purchase in the hearts of men and in Artig's waning years there are those that maneuver in the shadows to take advantage of his coming passing. Rumors of the awakening Urog to the south bring memories of the war that ravaged the lands a dozen years past.

Smaller yet is our story. It begins in a monastery nestled in a valley some two hundred miles past the eastern gates of Hasdren, further than the Emperor's Sepulchre, through a faint tuft of forest off of the Bear's Maw Road. South of the lands the Bear Clan call home this monastery was rebuilt some six decades past by a group of monks seeking a place of quiet spiritual refuge. Growing bored as most monks do they fermented the mash of blackberries and began trading it for the small necessities they were unable to provide for themselves. Nine years ago a group came to their door seeking aid and rest. Slowly they entwined themselves within this monastic order over the winter months, spreading their strange ideas and confusing takes on the Divines. The very night the Grand Master of the order commanded them to leave daggers found purchase against throats and dark energies splashed over the cold stone walls. Today a very similar looking group of monks continue to live here, still tending the vineyard, still selling the wine, but very different they are indeed. Today something never before seen in Elsar's history is coming together here.  

Lapis Lazuli's Synopsis

It is the 22nd day of Eiska's Favor 1266 AR. Our characters find themselves at the Berrywine Monastery, known publicly as a group of monks living in a valley who grow blackberries and distill them into wine. Those who were recruited to learn the dark arts from the monks by choice are the shifter Lapis Lazuli Astra, half-elf William "Will" Xiloamav, and human Friedrich Neuman. The sea-elf Val  was brought into the compound with other captives. A ragged human with pale skin and patchy hair named Gionata serves amongst us as well, but it is unclear if she is here by choice or has been broken into servitude to the monks. The starting group of 40 participants are shown to a bunk room and class room where they spend their time building their education from various levels and topics to something the monks find suitable.

Over the weeks members of the group are called away. Some return and some do not, and after about 3 months (16th of Valatur's Stead, 1266) there are only 12 participants left. The monks explain that everyone, except Lazuli, will undergo a conversion tomorrow. It will change them, and those that succeed will have newfound power. One person attempts to run and is killed, so there are only 10 people left for the process. Lazuli gives a tarot card reading for Gionata and Friedrich, both readings give the results Weal and Woe. On the day of Lala is not permitted in the room, but reads about the process afterwards. Those involved drank some potions and ate herbs then were strapped down onto tables. It was imperative to their own survival and the success of the change that they do not vomit. Six participants did vomit, which seemed to act like acid and burned their throats or stomachs. We were given free reign of the monastery the next day. After a day of rest and recuperation our real classes started. Lala talked theory with her personal tutor person. Friedrich was discussed chemistry and flesh craft with a monk. The other three had introductory class on necromancy.

The next day the survivors were sent after a pushy merchant. He came to the monastery looking to setup a direct connection with the supplier of blackberry wine. The monks do not like this kind of attention and want him taken care of. It is preferred that we capture him alive so that he can be used for other purposes, but his body would suffice for some use. After hurrying to catch up to the merchant, the party encounters some strange kind of wolves. They dispatched some and the last ran away. After catching up to the merchant we overheard him and a noble woman arguing about money. Friedrich and Val tried approaching the merchant openly with a few bottles of wine to convince him to buy those but his demand was measured in casks, not bottles. The other 3 party members hid in the woods while the 2 in the camp spent the night with the merchant and woman. The guards did not notice the members hiding in the woods.
The Journey
Lapis Lazuli Astra
Level 3 Wildhunt Shifter Chaotic Neutral Druid
24 / 24 HP
Friedrich Neuman
Player Journals
1st Session by Lapis Lazuli Astra
Report Date
09 Nov 2020
Primary Location

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