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19-20 Meloragift, 4520: Welcome to the Resistance

Arkomir writes...   After our meeting with the Lord Advocate of Belhaim we are greeted by the resistance crew...  
  • Kezahr the enchantress
  • Gunnhild Helmbreaker Helmbreaker, Guard Lieutenant
  • Aleif Infernus Infernus, servant to the Lord Advocate
  • Alden Dewfoot Dewfoot, Master of Stores

    We have a brief discussion with the assembled crew about where things stand. The Lord Advocate is not a man of war and the siege force appears to centred around the TriWays (where the Red HobGoblin is). There is a second area around the Fish Markets as well. We investigate options on the upcoming attack - there a couple of things in our favour... In the dungeons there is a grate that leads into the sewers. The sewers would allow us to move around relatively unobserved. There are some other travellers in town that have managed to elude the hobgoblins. They are in a manor house in the northwest of town (accessible from the sewers)


    We ask if any of them have seen the sigil on any of the hobgoblins - they have seen one hobgoblin with it. The one with the sigil seemed to be next to the one in charge - but not a leader. We do some healing and talking to the refugees in the tower, Dharra sings for the assembled folks whilst Arkomir's mind is full of the battle to come. We are lead back to Kezahr's chambers and we prepare ourselves to bed down for the night. Kezahr is making some notes in a book - seems magical.


    In the morning, after a quick breakfast, we head back into the library for the meeting of the resistance. The main group is here, plus the elven girl who brought us breakfast and the copper dragonborn. We will make our way through the sewers to find the other travellers. Kezahr and her Raven will scout the city and make some notes. As we make our way to the NW of the city, Gunnhild will station herself in the dungeons. We make our way to the through the sewers, heading NW into the city. We arrive at a grate and I poke my head out to look around... and see three hobgoblins and two worgs. After a brief battle we dispose of the bodies and then take a short rest to recoup. After our rest Alden leads us to a point to where we can get access to the Manor House. Alden goes first and looks out. After a brief moment he motions us to come on up and out of the grate. We pop out between a couple of buildings and Alden leads us on. I spot some worgs (being ridden) and a Hobgoblin with slightly less armour. There is a door ajar nearby, I enter first and make out a rather fancy manor house. At the far end of the corridor is a woman with her arms crossed and a sword on each hip. She offers us to come in and begs us to close the door.

      In the room are:  
    • Togg, a goliath male (possibly unarmed)
    • Aldrich, a halfling male with red hair
    • The Lady Ivy, the elven woman who greeted us.

    We have a discussion with them about the current situation - It is a tense and somewhat lengthy discussion but we arrange the coming battle and a set of signals to coordinate attacks. We will all take out at least one patrol and the ready ourselves near the town square. We take our leave and head back to the sewer entrance. As we enter the grate we alert a nearby patrol. We fight some more hobgoblins and worgs plus a female hobgoblin magic user. We defeat them and we investigate the female Hobgoblin. She has some fancy tattoos on her hands and arms and she used magic to teleport herself out of the battle. I take her belt of darts and we loot some gold. We take a short rest and then make our way back to the tower. As we head back up to the dungeon from the sewers we hear the voice of the Lord Advocate. The rest of the resistance crew in custody and The Lord Advocate arrests us.


    We have a discussion with the Lord Advocate and manage to plead our case in a more favourable light. Kugulex, Kezahr & Holly seem to be on board with all of this. The Lord Advocate appears to be pleased by our deference. He wants Alden to stay within the tower from now on. Moulton] asks us to come by his desk after our discussion is over. We head off to have something to eat and then head off to see Moulton. In the kitchen we run into Aleif - Kezahr and Holly have been taken for questioning and she seems concerned by this. She leads us to Moulten and then heads off to see about Holly & Kezahr.


    Moulton greets us in his office and we close the door. He He agrees that us standing a battlement is not the best use of our resource. We lay out our plan and he seems to be on board with it. A guard enters and says that Kezahr and Holly are in danger where they are. Moulten seems rather concerned by this. We head to the library keeping an eye and ear out for things. Holly, Kezahr and a female guard enter. Holly appears to have been roughed up a bit and Kezahr appears to have been hit. The Lord Advocate is responsible for this.


    We arrange to stand a watch on the battlement as a show of compliance. Afterwards we return to the library. Kezahr has found some potions and scrolls that may be of use and she is determined to be of use and wants to go into the city with the dwarves. We settle Kezahr and Holly in Kezahr's room and we head downstairs to the refugee area so Dharra can play again. I sit in a corner and listens to her play and check over our gear. During the night Alden comes and speaks to me about the plan and also asks about there being a potential part 2 - overerthrowing the Lord Advocate. We talk in circles a bit about that. We head back to Kezahr's room and bunk down for the night.


    In the morning we awake and Holly is preparing some tea. We ready ourselves after some breakfast, and set our plan. Kezahr will come with us into the city. She also tells us about the laws of the city. The Lord Advocate is an inherited position unless displaced. The position can be challenged via a Marshall challenge (using champions if necessary). The winner must then be approved by the majority of the people of Belhaim. We will meet in the library after chatting to Nedgroph and trying to recruit him to our fight. We run into the two younger Helmbreakers in the hall and they come with us to speak to Nedgroph. We enter the barracks and find him pretty readily. We have a chat with him and he seems keen for the fight and agrees to join our cause. We head back to the library.

      The gang is all here: Kugellux, Kezahr, Grunnhild, Alden plus us. Alden will come as far as the sewer entrance to direct our way. He will stay behind and try to keep things sorted in the tower. If he can get away - he will come and help in the city. We arrange our plans and head to the sewers after Gunnhild. We head to the sewers as well to prepare ourselves. Alden gives us directions and we head off on our mission!!!


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