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Arkomir Phinan

Arkomir Phinan

A handsome half-elf fighter, making his way in a larger world. Raised in Mol Gentra in ForestHome, he is a member of the Wildwood Militia. The only son of an elven academic and a human mother.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The son of an elven father and a human mother, I spent most of his life living in the eleven community of Mol Gentra. An inquisitive youth I spent a lot of time hanging around the communities barracks learning as much as I could before I was old enough to start training. Once of age I thrived in the ordered world of barracks life - finally finding his place in this world it seemed. His father, Eroan, a stoic and dominating figure in my life, insisted that I have some book knowledge and schooled me in History, Languages and elven culture - but my true passion was military service. My mother, Ceris, was always a calming presence and was happy I had found a true calling, possibly noting that I was not suited to a scholarly life.   I quickly took to military service and saw a number of border skirmishes, albeit from a slight distance as I was still training and learning. My proficiency with weapons was a great source of pride to my mentor, Garrick. He always had time for me and instilled in me a sense of honour and duty; to my fellow soldiers and those I serve and protect.


Religious Views

21 Meloragift 4520


During a fight with an orc caravan, I am felled but hear a voice in my head. It is quintessentially elven, calming and strong. It tells me I have its attention and that it sees me. I am able to re-enter the fight, eventually winning the day - questioning what I have experienced.


24 Meloragift 4520

  Whilst in Darin's Fall I have a dream that seems to show that people are better off because Dharra and I "stood in a road!" Upon waking I ask Dharra how she connects with her god and she tells me I should 'reach out'.   On a shopping trip the next morning, I have a strange encounter in a shop selling amulets and other trinkets. I feel compelled to a certain piece in the shop - a stylised 8 pointed star with two half moons overlayed. I purchase this amulet and wear it under my armour at all times  

25Meloragift 4520

  Back in Oxenhalt we provide aid to Lukas and Essa as they perform a ritual to bring Elanil back. During this ritual we are called upon by the Queen of Ravens and battle for Elanil's soul. My new guide offers aid to me during this fight which helps us to succeed. I speak to Essa and to Lukas afterwards to ask what this may all mean. They suggest that I have been called by Corellon to serve as their martial arm. I like this and decide to investigate this much more.  

26 Meloragift 4520

  Essa helps me with a ritual to cement my pledge to Corellon.


Eroan Phinan


Towards Arkomir Phinan


Arkomir Phinan


Towards Eroan Phinan


A half-elf fighter making his way in a much larger world. Hailing from Mol Gentra within ForestHome, he is the only son of an elven academic and a human mother.

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Mol Gentra
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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