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35 Meloragift 4520: Return to Whisperfield

Arkomir writes...   We ride on to Whisperfield in the morning and after a few hours we start to notice familiar sights and sounds of the region. We pass a windmill on our way in and approach the village from a hilltop. We head toward the Silver Tankard Inn and are met by Dharra's cousin, Gradgar Silverpalm, Boulderfoot. He takes our horses and we head inside to meet up with more of Dharra's relatives.   Dourboula greets us and gives us the best table. Therrick Theric brings a bottle of something to drink. There is food and drink laid on and we talk of our adventures. Other folk start to filter in to the tavern and sit and listen in to our tales. Celaknurt, Sam and Etgan turn up as well. Dharra embelishes our story with some of her new tricks as well. Etgan turns to me and says that he can DEFINITELY make me a great sword. He says we will start first thing in the morning. We get a room upstairs for the night in the hopes that we can try to work on allaying these dreams.   I say a quick prayer to Corellon before I head off to sleep. I drift off and start to dream... I see myself astride a battlement looking up into the sky. One hand on my sword - the other tracing a symbol over my chest and then... the dream stops. I continue to sleep.


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