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Bruno and the Vanguard

A group of adventurers lead by Bruno Khurabil.

The group also includes:

    • Zula, a female Tiefling
    • Jack, a male Halfling
    • El'utrin, a male Elf
    • Garv, a male Half-Orc
    • Dusk, a female Dragonborn

It is said that when Bruno and the Vanguard arose no one remembered how long the land had been ruled by giants and Dragons. Perhaps there were Elves that remembered a time free of the tyrants. If so, they spoke little of it. They must have seen no reason to.

Sabrina, Bruno's second wife is sometimes considered to be a member of the Vanguard.

Forefront of Freedom

Adventuring Party
Alternative Names
The Vanguard
Related Ethnicities


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