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Garrick Oakshade

Garrick El'Haaven (a.k.a. Oakshade)

Male Elf. Legion Master of the Wildwood Militia. Mentor and Commander of Arkomir Phinan.

Commander Garrick is a highly respected elven officer of the Wildwood Militia, serving as the commanding officer of Arkomir Phinan in the city of Mol Gentra. He is known for his strategic thinking, tactical acumen, and inspiring leadership, which have earned him the admiration of both his fellow soldiers and the citizens of Mol Gentra.

Garrick was born into a family of military tradition and joined the Wildwood Militia at a young age. He quickly rose through the ranks, demonstrating his natural talent for leadership and combat. He served in several campaigns, including the defense of Mol Gentra against an orcish horde, and the successful pacification of several large goblin encampments.

Garrick's commitment to duty and his unwavering loyalty to the people of Mol Gentra have earned him a reputation as a selfless and dedicated officer. He is also known for his kindness and compassion, especially towards the soldiers under his command. He is seen as a mentor and a father figure by many of them, and they trust him to make decisions that are in their best interests.

Garrick is a close ally of Katya Shadowash, a powerful elven ranger who shares his dedication to the protection of Mol Gentra and the fight against the rising threat of Elven Pure. Together, they have worked to prevent the spread of this dangerous ideology and to protect the people of Mol Gentra from harm.

Garrick has also long been aware of the presence of Anoz in the woods nearby Mol Gentra, and the two seem to share some respect.

In recognition of his outstanding service, Garrick has been awarded numerous medals and commendations, including the Silver Star and the Order of the Arrow, which is one of the highest honours that can be bestowed upon a member of the Wildwood Militia.

Current Location
Mix of brwon and green at the edge.
Dark brown, almost black.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruddy and tanned.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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