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Melody the Fury was a Gnomish Bard and a member of The Cleansing Wave who became a member after she had been discovered by them spreading word of their deeds.

Melody wrote songs and tales to promote The Cleansing Wave and their ideals, encouraging the oppressed and abused to seek freedom and equality.

Melody was killed in 2691 by the Dragon Bikorreth, Winter's Hunger.

The tomb in which Melody is buried lies beneath The Triways in Belhaim.

The story of Melody joining the Cleansing Wave is recorded as follows:

The Sound of Fury


Often when Bella and her growing group would arrive near a town they would not be welcomed well. The Patricians and Magistrates consistently spread word of them being killers and wastrels. Made them out to be agents of chaos who only wanted to burn down everything good honest people built.

But one day they approached a town called Scarenbrae. At first the locals paid them no mind. Then a farmer who spotted them pointed and called out "Ho, there is Bella and her fearless band of liberators!" Soon many had come out of the town to greet them and bring them small bundles of food and supplies they might need.

Once the townspeople welcomed them into the town they began to notice some were familiar. They were some of the slaves they had helped free. On questioning many of them told similar stories of having encountered a small bard with a tremendous voice and quick smile who had encouraged them to find their way to this town.

Some in the town also said the Bard had come that way previously and sung often of the plight of the freed and how they sought nothing but a way to make a life of themselves. So, the people of the town had slowly freed their own slaves over time and started to welcome others who ended up there. Many of which brought skills or knowledge of great use to the town that had suffered great losses in a dragon attack not so many years before.

"Who is this bard who makes such a fine noise?" wondered Brak.

"We must find her and give her our thanks." said Lok.

And so they did travel for a time, listening for clues of a bard who had been through town that fitted such a description. Eventually, in a small town outside Vor'Hei they heard of a small Bard who had just been that way and had been asked to go and perform at the local Magistrates house.

Glade seemed worried about this being a trap and the group decided they should go and confirm all was well. As they snuck up on the Magistrates estate they could soon hear a great clamour. With a glance they all decided to rush in and take part in the chaos. Amidst it all they found a Gnome Bard running and yelling and singing. Guards and Slavebreakers both trying to catch her and being thrown off by magical effects she produced.

By the time the estate was in flames and the group had escaped into the woods, they had a new companion. The ever fiery and feisty Melody a gnomish Bard who had been spreading word of their deeds.

Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Bikorreth
Place of Death
Long curly hair
Aligned Organization


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