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The Cleansing Wave

Tales of the Cleansing Wave


First Light


One day a young lady ran into the slave market of Vor'Hei. She looked at all the slaves on offer assessing them very quickly. Eventually she saw one she liked and said "Do you have strong arms?" "I do" he said. "Can you fight?" she said. "I can", he replied. She gave the slaveseller all the coin she had and he had barely been unshackled from the line when three men surrounded the girl and made to pummel her and take her away. The slave simply stepped forward and beat them, using the chains he still had as weapons. Eventually the three men were driven off. The girl, who was Bella, took the slave with her and they escaped Vor'Hei. Once they made it to the forest she said "I am sorry for buying you." "Why?" he said, "Have I not served you well enough?" "You have served me better than I could have asked. But I do not want to own a slave and I think none should." "But, I would serve you well." he said, not understanding, as being a slave is all he could remember. "I expect you would, but I refuse to own another. I free you. You may go where you please and do what you please."


He sat for a time then said "Then I will stay with you. For I have known none so kind as would free a slave. And I suspect your need for some help and protection is not over. If you would have a friend rather than a slave there is no place I would rather go and none I would rather be with."


With a prayer of thanks, she said, "I am Bella. And I am glad to have a friend. I mean to free more slaves if I can, but I know not how. What may I call you?"


"I know not if I have ever had a name", he said, then looked at his chains. "I have been called lock at times as I used to lock other slaves to their shackles. But a lock can be opened or closed. So, call me Lok. And perhaps we can open some together."


And that is how Lok and Bella met.


Bella and the Stone


One day Bella and Lok found, through some means, a small contingent of slaves being moved from one estate to another by their master near the Pass of Gofthren. Their guards were few as they were on a small back road and expected no trouble. Bella and Lok set upon the group and drove off the guards. Some of the slaves had got free during the fracas and fled into the woods. One, however, stood still as a stone in the middle of the road, though his chains had come loose. As Lok came near him he swung his fist, wrapped in chain, and knocked Lok to the ground. No small feat. "I am not as fast as some others, you would surely catch me if I fled. But I will not trade one master for another. Especially not for a new master that takes slaves by ambush on the byways." the Dwarf said, brandishing his fists ready for another exchange.


Bella threw back her hood and her silvery eyes shone. "Peace, friend. We would take no slaves. We wish only to free you so you may go your own way."


"Brak, I am called" said the dwarf and extended his hand to Lok.


"And steelfist you are, too." said Lok as he climbed to his feet rubbing his chin.


Brak looked at Bella and at Lok, and saw Lok still had some chains about him. "If you mean to free more slaves you will need one who knows how to remove chains for good. I will come with you if you will have another companion." "Of course, " Bella said, "you are why we are here. Please come with us and we will share all we have."


And that is how Bella found Brak Steelfist.


Bella and the Slavebreaker


In the provinces of Hrelgaffir Bella and Lok and Brak had freed enough slaves in small raids and skirmishes that they were noticed by the local Magistrate. As such, he dispatched a group of Slavebreakers lead by an arcanist Slavebreaker to ensure short work was made of the upstarts hiding in the woods. The arcanist lead the investigation through the small villages and towns of the region, gathering rumours and interrogating any who might know more where these outlaws could be found. For songs and stories of their deeds had started to be whispered in the taverns and the slave quarters alike.


One night Bella declared that they should camp under the stars and celebrate a recent victory with a drink and a song with some of the slaves they had just freed. As they had too far to travel back to one of their hideouts they would make the most of their night in the woods. Lok, always cautious of their safety, was reluctant but soon persuaded by Bella to whom he could refuse nothing. Though he kept a watchful eye as always.


As it happened this was not so far from where the Slavebreakers were camped that evening. The arcanist had good senses and noticed a trace of noise or flicker of light way off late in the night. As it was late the arcanist slavebreaker went to investigate alone suspecting there might just be animals in the woods, or a trick of the moonlight. On approaching the Glade in which Bella and her group were camped, singing, feasting on the meagre supplies they had, and trading stories, the arcanist stopped and watched for a time.


After a time he walked into the camp. Seeing the slavebreaker robes he wore Brak and Lok were on their feet and armed in a heartbeat. "Wait." said Bella "What can we do for you, friend?"


The Slavebreaker took off his robe of office and threw it on the fire. "I have been lied to" he said "they say the slaves are happiest in servitude. That they cannot fend for themselves. That keeping you shackled is best for everyone." He knelt on the ground. And Bella went and sat by him.


"What do you think now that you have watched us from the bushes for a time?"


The Elf Slavebreaker answered "I know now those lies imprisoned me as chains have imprisoned you. I see you are happy and are able to care for each other. I have never heard such laughter and song from those in chains. I cannot return to my former life."


"Good" said Bella, "then you will join us, and you will help us lead others to freedom." With that, Lok handed the Elf a drink and he was part of their band thereafter, eventually taking the name Glade.


Despite being so close the other Slavebreakers in that wood never found the group, who always seemed to know what they would do next and were always a step ahead


The Sound of Fury


Often when Bella and her growing group would arrive near a town they would not be welcomed well. The Patricians and Magistrates consistently spread word of them being killers and wastrels. Made them out to be agents of chaos who only wanted to burn down everything good honest people built - but one day they approached a town called Scarenbrae. At first the locals paid them no mind. Then a farmer who spotted them pointed and called out "Ho, there is Bella and her fearless band of liberators!" Soon many had come out of the town to greet them and bring them small bundles of food and supplies they might need. Once the townspeople welcomed them into the town they began to notice some were familiar. They were some of the slaves they had helped free. On questioning many of them told similar stories of having encountered a small bard with a tremendous voice and quick smile who had encouraged them to find their way to this town.


Some in the town also said the Bard had come that way previously and sung often of the plight of the freed and how they sought nothing but a way to make a life of themselves. So, the people of the town had slowly freed their own slaves over time and started to welcome others who ended up there. Many of which brought skills or knowledge of great use to the town that had suffered great losses in a Dragon attack not so many years before.


"Who is this bard who makes such a fine noise?" wondered Brak.


"We must find her and give her our thanks." said Lok.


And so they did travel for a time, listening for clues of a bard who had been through town that fitted such a description. Eventually, in a small town outside Vor'Hei they heard of a small Bard who had just been that way and had been asked to go and perform at the local Magistrates house. Glade seemed worried about this being a trap and the group decided they should go and confirm all was well. As they snuck up on the Magistrates estate they could soon hear a great clamor. With a glance they all decided to rush in and take part in the chaos. Amidst it all they found a Gnome Bard running and yelling and singing. Guards and Slavebreakers both trying to catch her and being thrown off by magical effects she produced.


By the time the estate was in flames and the group had escaped into the woods, they had a new companion. The ever fiery and feisty Melody a gnomish Bard who had been spreading word of their deeds


Stemming the Tide


After Bella and her group had grown in power and confidence for some time, Lok and Glade together concocted a plan to raid the slave markets at a smaller town called Vor'Tennath. It was a tough fight, but many slaves were freed and the markets were sundered. Better yet, without causing great destruction throughout the rest of the town. Bella was always firm that those who had not been central to the slave trade they should try not to harm in their efforts.


As the fight wound down Lok turned to see Brak staring at the nearby docks. "They keep coming." he said, and pointed at a vast slave ship that had arrived from across the sea and disgorged it's cargo into the markets there.

Lok turned to Bella, and said "What can we do about these ships?"


Before anyone could say any more, Melody charged past, singing a sailing song. She stopped only briefly to call back to the others, "Then we go to where they come from, and stop them coming!" With that, she leapt onto the ship beckoning the others to come along. After a short skirmish with the crew and the Giant captain, the group took over the ship called The Cresting Wave.


By the time they got back to the port of the ships origin they renamed it The Cleansing Wave, a name they themselves would come to be known by. The land they found, following the ships charts backward, was wild and vicious. Peopled with Orcs and Gnolls and Giants all of whom farmed and captured other, more vulnerable races to use as slaves and to sell them across the sea. There they set about freeing the peoples and bringing some civilisation and equity to the land. And forged many new legends.

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