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Niamh is the proprietor of Silk & Satin, an upscale clothing store in Sweetwater Heights in Confluence.


Niamh is a Half-Elf with long, flowing red hair that falls in loose curls around her shoulders. She has sharp features and a striking, angular face. Her eyes are a deep green and they sparkle with intelligence and creativity. She is tall and slender, with a natural grace and poise that makes her stand out in a crowd.


When working in her store, she typically wears a long, flowing robe of deep purple silk, cinched at the waist with a gold sash. She wears a pair of gold hoop earrings and a gold chain necklace with a large, emerald pendant. She has a tape measure draped around her neck, and a pair of shears hanging from her belt. She is always seen with a sketchbook and pencil in hand, jotting down notes and ideas as she works.


She carries herself with confidence and authority, and she commands the attention of everyone in the room. She is always busy, moving from one task to another with a sense of purpose and efficiency. Her movements are quick and precise, as she cuts, measures and pins fabric with a practiced hand. When she speaks, her voice is melodic and her words are chosen carefully.

Current Location
Youthful, but approaching middle age.
Deep green
Long flowing red hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Bronzed skin
Ruled Locations


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