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Freedom and the Lonely Forest

Diplomatic action

20/2 15:00
20/2 23:00

On return to Belhaim, The LightBringers report to Esward Moulton about all that has happened. They discuss the island, the now freed captives, and Alden Dewfoot. It is decided to house the survivors from the mine nearby the tower for the time being and to give them a night out at The Lonely Forest that night. Holly Branchwind and Devlin Helmbreaker are also invited.

The dinner at the tavern goes well, Dharra Boulderfoot performs for the whole tavern and Moulton arrives with his bodyguard Kugulex and advisor Aleif Infernus. The former captives are welcomed into the town and a pleasant night is had by all attending. There are also discussions about who might choose to stay and who will move on.

Related Location
The Lonely Forest
Related timelines & articles
LightBringers chronicle