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Dharra Boulderfoot


Brannlyn Axestone, Boulderfoot


Towards Dharra Boulderfoot


Dharra Boulderfoot


Towards Brannlyn Axestone, Boulderfoot


Dharra is a dwarven bard, out on the road in search of people to meet and stories to tell. Her parents hail from the small town of Riverfall, where they are the owners, brewers and operators of the Mossy Boulder tavern.

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19 Meloragift, 4520: Arriving in Belhaim
19 Meloragift, 4520

19 Meloragift,4520: Arriving in Belhaim   Before we leave, Kuskin asks to speak with us. He gives us a gift - two pairs of (magical) boots made by Elanil, and the bag (of holding) they came in. We pick up our new horses - Blackstar and Fringey. As we leave, the town is organising itself. Essa wears armour and carries a mace.   Karth guides us toward Belhaim, stopping off to visit a small cottage in a hillside and grab his cloak and arrows - his house. We head into the forest. We run into two hobgoblins on oargs, fight and kill them, and take a large amount of money (gold, silver, copper) off them. Continue on until we see Belhaim, gates ajar. The tower looks like it is manned, and there is firelight inside the gates. But there is also damage to the tower, and smoke rising. Ditch around the walls. Arkomir and I sit and watch for a bit. Karth heads back to Oxenhalt.   We see two figures attempting to leave through the gate - worgs attack and drag them back inside. Not going that way. We head around towards the lake, find a small barn and settle the horses in. Meet a local hiding out down here - Daffyd. He offers to look after the horses and help us sneak into the city via the lake/docks. We hold on to pieces of wood, paddle to the docks and head in. Shops and houses have been broken into. Goblins, wargs and hobgoblins hanging out in the town square. One hobgoblin stands out - fancy red armour, standing on the top balcony of the 3-storey tavern.   We reach the tower walls and a dwarf drops us a rope. We meet Grunhild (Guard Lieutenant) and Tharsun Helmbreaker of the tower guard. They are stuck here, no healer. They take us to meet their lord and some of his associates: Lord Advocate Gareth Vatevold Judge Waltorn Vatevold Castellan Westley Fremantist Master of the Merchant’s Guild Ulfgar Cartwright   LA Vatevold is very self-righteous. Says he has sent to Battevold for reinforcements, whines about resources and refuses to get off his ass and fight. We leave. Grunhild doesn’t seem to like this guy either.   Meet some of the other tower staff: Devlin Helmbreaker (also tower guard) Alief Infernus, F tiefling (Lord’s servant) Kezhar, F human (Tower Enchantress) Aldon Dewfoot, M halfling (Master of Stores) “We intend to not just sit around while we’re under seige… welcome to the resistance.”   The tower houses refugees from the city. They are running short of food, and sitting around doing nothing is a terrible plan. The invading forces are concentrated in two places - the main town square and the fish market, mostly hobgoblins and worgs. Aldon has seen the T sigil on a hobgoblin who always seems to stand next to the (red armoured) leader. The captain of the guard is bound by oath to follow orders but might be ok with us taking action. Access to the city via sewers in the dungeon. Kezhar has a raven familiar who can help with scouting.   Before bed, we head down to where the refugees are, wander around talking to them and helping. I do a bit of healing, sing a few songs. Arkomir gives some pointers to the cityfolk who are training with some weapons. We stay in Kezhar’s room for the night. She stays up summoning her familiar.

18 Meloragift, 4520: Arriving in Oxenhalt
18 Meloragift, 4520

18 Meloragift, 4520: Arriving in Oxenhalt   We agree to follow the goblin tracks for another day. Shortly after lunch we come to a small, well-worn East-West road. Pretty sure we have come to Dunklgrun, in Middenwold - the next electorate over from us in Westmarch. We arrive in a village (Oxenhalt) as mounted hobgoblins are attacking. We get inside and meet Kuskin, and Elanil. Arkomir and I team up with Kuskin and Elanil to try to rescue Jana and Karth. Jacob, another villager, has died in the attack. Elanil is killed during the rescue.   The villagers say that the hobgoblins attacked Belhaim recently, and the last rider to go out that way didn’t come back. On one of the hobgoblin bodies we find a rough map on a scrap of hide - a line through 3 circles, with the centre circle being bigger than the other two. We think this represents the three settlements here - Oxenhalt, Belhaim, Dunklgrun East. There is an x with arrows pointing past the leftmost and the centre one - South towards The Green Swathe, and West towards Confluence. No T sigils, but Karth has seen one on a goblin he found impaled in the woods. No local elves here, so not sure who killed it.   In the village, we meet Iago Whitfoot (old halfling). We go past a statue of Bella and Glade - founders of Dunklgrun - in the village square, head to the multi-denominational temple. The young (human) priestess is Essa (Esobel) Chantry, priestess of Melora. She cannot save Elanil, but has suspended her death for 10 days. Kuskin, her partner, is watching over her at the temple. Maybe we can find a more experienced healer and bring them here to help. We would probably also need a good quality diamond. We decide to try Belhaim first. Buy horses from Arthbert Ludstone, son of Hammish.

17 Meloragift, 4520: Owlbears!
17 Meloragift, 4520

17 Meloragift, 4520: Owlbears!   We continue to travel. Sleep in the forest again, and we are attacked by 2 owlbears. Skinny and hungry looking. We manage to kill them.

16 Meloragift, 4520: Action around Whisperfield
16 Meloragift, 4520

16 Meloragift, 4520: Action around Whisperfield   We check in on the Farlands - they are ok. Arkomir chats to the blacksmiths about upgrading his sword - he needs dweomatite to make it really fancy. We go up to the Farlands’ farm to check it out. The barn was searched, food taken. Blood smeared on the walls of the house. Lots of tracks, otherwise ok. We head Southeast, following the goblin tracks. Sleep in the forest for the night. I take a look at the sword Arkomir took from the hobgoblin. Written on the blade in goblin - “[Elf] Blood-Gargle”.

15 Meloragift, 4520: To Whisperfield
15 Meloragift, 4520

15 Meloragift, 4520: To Whisperfield   Arkomir and I decide to hunt down the goblins - there may be more heading NE from here. Skotgrida gives us a small brass button each - Dwarven military-style. “If you find yourselves in the [Earthspine] mountain, show them these, give them my name. They will know that you have earned a favour.”   Anoz needs to head back to his forest. “If I have news, watch for a hawk that looks like it wants to talk to you.” He turns into an eagle and flies away.   We chat as we ride. Arkomir says he was part of a village militia, commissioned to kill the goblins, then sent North “to have an adventure”.   We arrive in Whisperfield in the dark. Apparently goblins have already been here. We head into the tavern and I introduce Arkomir to aunt Dourboula and uncle Therrick. Lots of folk are here tonight because of the goblins, but no one has come from Farland’s Farm. The blacksmith’s apprentice went to check on them and hasn’t returned. We go to the farm with Therrik, Amdrom, Celaknurt (gnome blacksmith) and Sam.   We kill several goblins and their wolves. Ask what they are after - “meat, fun, information”. We are getting tired and outnumbered, so Arkomir challenges their hobgoblin leader to 1:1 combat. Arkomir wins and they leave. We head back to the tavern for the night, Arkomir heads off with Sam.   Dharra dreams - performing at her home tavern when goblins bearing the T sigil attack. More and more, and they won’t be beaten. Then they mutate, bigger and nastier, with something else too - another creature bearing the same sign, attacking alongside them.   Arkomir dreams - he is fighting, and red and purple-green vines are grabbing at his feet.

14 Meloragift, 4520: Meeting Arkomir
14 Meloragift, 4520

14 Meloragift, 4520: Meeting Arkomir   On the road with Skotgrida, Dalmus and Brannlyn, a few hours from Riverfall. We stopped for lunch and were attacked by goblins with a T sigil burned into their cheeks. Brannlyn was knocked out. Arkomir (half elf) and Anoz (Silver Dragonborn, transformed into a bear) helped us fight off the goblins and Anoz managed to heal Brannlyn.   Anoz makes magical horses, and Arkomir and I race off after the last of the goblins as they head towards Riverfall, finish them off. 3 ordinary goblins and one magical one, riding a wolf and with T tattoos on both cheeks.   Arkomir, Anoz and I escort Skotgrida, Dalmus and Brannlyn home then head to my parents’ tavern. Anoz lives in the forests around here, and he will return there soon to tend them. He can contact us, or we can come into the forest here and he will know. Mum and Dad are welcoming, and we find food and beds for the night.


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