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Session 8, Swirling Onward

General Summary

When last we left our characters, they thwarted several more necromantic rituals within city of Aldhon, through a a summons from the Queen gained some valuable information. The party learned that Drekim makes his home on the top of the Star Reach Peaks, but the way to him is closed except during the heightened magical event of the The Coalescence. Perhaps they could trap the essence of the magical storm surrounding Bayhold, and help the crown in the process. During their meeting, the leader of the cultists in this region struck from the shadows of the throne room to attempt to assassinate the queen, and the thorns in her side. Failing in her attempt she ran to the window behind the throne and teleported out of the room. After some information gathering at the Reliquary and another late night outing by Shangri, we pick up now with the group in the Salt Spray about to depart on the ship provided by they Queen.  

Notable NPCs Met

  • Queen Elturandis II
  • Axethane Hrongir
  • Wolf Guard
  • Secrets and Information Gathered/Spread

  • The Morulti have comandeered an inn a few days out of town. They may be striking from there.
  • The Ackryda are working against the Skjollir in their territorial waters.
  • Solmithra's Grace is running low on supplies
  • A delegation of Alkquan have come into the city to demand an audience with the Queen
  • Skjollir forces have been spotted in the Whispering Woods.
  • Report Date
    06 Jul 2024
    Primary Location
    Related Characters

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    Cover image: View of Schroom Mountain, Essex County, New York by Thomas Cole


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