
The basics of fast, furious combat are discussed below. Many additional options and situations are covered under Situational Rules.  


The Target Number to hit an opponent is equal to the opponent’s Parry score (2 plus half his Fighting die type; 2 if he has no Fighting skill).  


The Shooting skill covers everything from bows to pistols to rocket launchers and fixed machine guns. Throwing grenades, knives, spears, or other thrown projectiles uses the Athletics skill.   All ranged weapons have a Range statistic written like this: 5/10/20, or Short/Medium/ Long Range. The base Target Number to hit something at Short Range is 4. Firing at longer ranges inflicts the penalties listed below.  

Range Penalties

Short 0
Medium -2
Long -4
Extreme* -8

*Extreme Range

Extreme Range is up to 4× a weapon’s Long Range. Firing at such a great distance requires the Aim option. When used in this way, Aim doesn’t reduce any penalties—it simply allows the character to fire at such a great distance. The penalty is −8, or −6 with a scope. Characters may not throw weapons at Extreme Range.


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