
In addition to their actions, characters can move a number of tabletop inches equal to their Pace each turn. Each inch of movement spent climbing, crawling, or swimming uses 2″ of Pace (halving the characters Pace).   


A hero can choose to “run”, increasing her Pace for the round by her Running die (a d6 by default) at the cost of a −2 penalty to all other actions that turn.   Running dice never Ace. (The Running die is random to account for nuances of the situation not depicted on the tabletop and for the “risk to reward” decision players must make.)   Out of combat situations, a character can move twice the sum of her full Pace + maximum running die for a number of minutes equal to half her Vigor die type. Thus a Fleet-Footed character with Vigor d6 can sprint at a Pace of 32 for three minutes.  

Difficult Ground

Each inch a hero walks or runs over rough terrain such as thick forest, up or down a steep incline, slippery ice, etc., count as 2″ of her Pace. Crawling is unaffected by Difficult Ground.  


If the GM feels movement is hazardous for some reason - climbing under duress, swimming a fast-moving river, walking a tightrope - she can require an Athletics roll to move.
  • Success means she continues on normally.
  • A Critical Failure; the character takes Fatigue from Bumps & Bruises, falls if climbing or in a precarious position (Falling), or drowns if swimming (Drowning).


  • JUMPING: Characters can jump 1″ (two yards) horizontally, or 0.5″ vertically as a free action.Double these numbers if the hero can run at least 2″ (four yards) prior to the jump.If the hero chooses, she may make an Athletics roll as an action to increase her horizontal distance by 1″ (2″ with a raise), or half that vertically. Jumping does not allow a hero to exceed her Pace for the turn.
  • PRONE: A character may fall prone as a free action during her turn. She may crawl while prone. Standing is a free action but reduces total Pace for the turn by 2.


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