Rate of Fire

Rate of Fire is how many shots (Shooting dice) a ranged weapon can fire in one action. A pistol with a RoF of 1, for example, can fire one shot per action. A machine gun with a Rate of Fire of 3 can fire three shots per action (10 actual bullets, see below).   For weapons with a Rate of Fire of 2 or higher, declare how many shots you’re putting into each possible target. Then roll that number of Shooting dice and assign them in whatever order you like to the targets you declared.   Wild Cards roll their Shooting dice plus a Wild Die, which can be assigned wherever they like after seeing the result of the roll. They still can’t hit with more shots than the weapon’s Rate of Fire, however.   A Rate of Fire higher than 1 is an abstract value where each “shot” is actually a number of bullets. If you’re tracking bullets, use the table below and whatever Rate of Fire the character actually fires in an action, not the weapon’s maximum.  

Bullets per Rate of Fire

1 1
2 5
3 10
4 20
5 40
6 50
  Recoil   Firing more than one shot in one action from a weapon subtracts 2 from the attacker’s Shooting rolls (see Recoil). Unless a weapon says otherwise, a shooter can fire less shots than his weapon’s maximum Rate of Fire.


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