
The Support option allows a character to help out her allies. Test is the opposite - it lets him make things more difficult for his foes! Tests include embarrassing an opponent, throwing sand in his eyes, staring him down with a steely gaze, or anything else a clever player can think of to rattle his enemy and put him off-balance.   To perform a Test, the player describes the action and works with the GM to determine the most appropriate skill to roll for it. Tests are resisted instinctively, so the “attacker’s” skill roll is opposed by the attribute it’s linked to.   Tripping someone is an Athletics roll versus Agility since that’s what Athletics is linked to. Taunt is linked to Smarts, so verbally humiliating someone is resisted by that attribute. Fighting, when used as a Test instead of an actual attack, isn’t compared to Parry—it’s opposed by Agility.   If the attacker wins the opposed roll, he can choose to make his foe Distracted or Vulnerable. If he wins with a raise, the target is also Shaken or there may be other subjective effects as the GM allows, such as a tripped foe being knocked Prone.  


The GM must determine which modifiers apply to a Test. Shooting, for example, should include Range, Cover, Illumination, Recoil, etc. A hero with a bonus to his Parry does not add it to his Agility when challenged with a Fighting roll, however, because the defender resists with Agility— not his Parry. Take the details into consideration as well— using Taunt to hit a rival’s ego where it hurts, for example, might be worth a +2 bonus to the attacker.  


Using the same or similar action repeatedly quickly grows less effective, so the GM should apply a steep penalty if a character’s Tests become repetitive (or disallow it entirely).  

Additional Dice

If characters have additional dice for a Test, such as when using a weapon with a high Rate of Fire, he may roll all the dice but takes only the highest as his Test total. He doesn’t get multiple results and he can’t spread them out to other targets.


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